Always Remember Me (C2)

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Anna's P.O.V

Kendall wasn't at home and obviously busy with his career.I need to understand him even though it's a really terrible moment without having Kendall around.

It's a boring Sunday.Alone without nothing to do.I really need to find a hobby but at the same time,I'm not in a good mood.I just sat on the couch and watched TV all day long.After turned into some channels,I decided to watch a show about latest music news all around the world.Suddenly,something on the TV screen attracted me.

"One more month,what will happen ? The boys from Big Time Rush will kick out their U.S. tour starting this May 2nd.Don't forget to get the tickets online or from your nearer local CD store.For more information,check it all out on the official website ''.Have a BLAST and BIG TIME on the upcoming concert.These guys will never let you down and be ready to amaze on their big talent" the reporter announced.

Wait,WHAT ?! A tour ? I didn't know about this at all.Kendall never told me before.Now,I know the reason why he's double-triple-extra busy.He's rehearsing for the upcoming tour.First of all,I'm happy about this.He'll perform and getting on the next level of fame.But,I'll miss him.I'm alone and he isn't by my side.I couldn't make up to accompany him along.For sure,I've work to do everyday here.He's hiding this so,I'm not going to think and worried about what will happen.

*Late evening*

The front door opened and I still laid lazily on the couch."Hey,sweetheart" greeted Kendall. I just keep silent and didn't gave any respond on him. He approached me and facing me on the other side of couch. "Something wrong,dear ? You got sick or what ?" he asked worriedly. "Nah,I'm just good.Don't you worry" I replied,giving him an awkward smile. "Got caught..I know you're lying.Tell me,please ?" he remarked,smirking. "Just nothing.Take a bath now !!" I tried to distract him. 

"I'm not going to until....." he said. "Until what ?!" I glared,feel been disturbed. He kissed my lips gently.I think,he's still trying to figure out what's the real happening to me. I tried to pull him away between the kiss but he groaned,wanting for more. After those scene ended,I felt a little bit comfortable and secure when he's around and back from work.I should appreciate this moment.

"Okay,this is real.Trust me,is there something wrong ?" he convinced. "'ll go on tour next month,right ?" I asked. He looked kind of shocked at first. "Yeah,actually..YES I AM.I hope you don't mind letting me go" he pointed out. "You should inform me about this earlier.I got to know this news from the TV.I'm okay..just fine.I need to understand your career and I'm here always support you.I just..." I stopped,looking at his green eyes deeply.

"You will feel alone ? Scared of losing me ? You will miss me ?" he guessed. "All of that.Dating a rising pop star is really hard" I sighed. "Yes it is but it's easy in dating Kendall Francis Schmidt.It's only Anastasia Emery Spica have his heart,always and forever" he remarked,smiling. "I need you.I really need you" I said. "I need you and always love you more than something you could ever thought how big it is" he convinced. He held my neck and got my face closer to him."I swear,as long as I'm still breathing..we will never fall apart" he promised.

*One month later,LAX airport,Security Checkpoint*

"Are you okay with this ?" he asked worriedly. "I think,I'm ready for this suffer" I goofed. "Don't say like that.You make me feel guilty" he pointed out. "Nah,I'm good.Don't you worry.This is only for 3 months.You're still in U.S. It's going to be fine.Moreover,we will contact each other" I convinced. We smiled at each other.It'll be the last smile of Kendall that I see in real and will be paid back after 3 months from now.

"HEYYYY,Kendall.Come on,we're running out of time" yelled Logan from far. "It's time.." he said,looking into my eyes. "I will miss you..really bad" I confessed. "Remember,I love you..just you.It's only you,Anna" he reminded. "I know but-" I stopped because Kendall's lips already connected mine. Can I hope this moment will last forever ? Totally terrible when Kendall's far away from me. Between the kiss,my tears fell across my cheek. Kendall wiped it using his thumb. "Even we're not by each other side but you always be in my heart.I love you so much,Anna" he convinced,holding my hand.

"KENDALLLL !!! I'm serious,dude" shouted Logan,a little bit angry. He let off the fist and slowly walked away,leaving me alone here. He turned around to check upon me. I could see he's crying.I hope this whole thing going to be okay even though it's really hard for us.I love you too,Kendall.

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