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*Kat's P.O.V.*



“Kat, get up. We’re gonna be late for school.”

Another grunt.

“Kat, seriously, you have like fifteen minutes to get ready.”

Another grunt earned me a vigorous shaking, and I rolled over lazily to see my younger sister staring down at me.

“Are you drunk?” she asked, frowning, and I rubbed my eyes.

“Ugh, Lydia” I groaned. “What time is it?” I asked, ignoring her question completely, because yes - I was drunk.

“Seven thirty-eight” she answered, matter-of-factly, and I sat straight up in my bed.

“Shit” I muttered, clumsily stumbling out of bed, then hurriedly searching my bedroom for clean clothes. After five minutes of nothing, I finally resolved to pulling a plain black sweat shirt over my head, and some ripped jeans that just happened to be resting on top of my clothes hamper. Then, I stuffed my feet into my boots carelessly, and doused myself in body spray, hoping that I least smelled like I had taken a shower. “Come on” I said, heading out of my bedroom with my sister trailing closely behind. I was never late for school.

As we walked to my car, across the street, I could see Jason Hughes heading to his car, with someone following closely behind. This wouldn’t have raised suspicion with me, except that Jason is an only child, and I had never seen the boy that was following him before, though he was damn cute.

Lydia and I both continued to stare at the new face, until he and Jason both turned towards us. The new guy smiled, making me blush instantly. Jason threw up his middle finger, then laughed heartily when I returned the favor. That was our usual morning exchange. Jason and I had grown up together. We’d lived in the same houses since we were born, and our parents had gone to high school together. However, much to our parents’ utter agony, Jason and I had never gotten along. When we were kids, he used to make fun of me for being a bookworm, and I, in turn, made fun of him for being a moron. And things hadn’t changed much in last few years. The only difference was that, at least in our parents’ presence, we could pretend to tolerate each other.

Lydia and I arrived at Lincoln High with five minutes to spare, so we practically ran from the car, and to our lockers. As soon as I reached mine, I spotted my best friend, Phee, making a bee-line towards me.

Phee isn’t really her name. Her real name is Ophelia, but if anyone were to ever call her that, they’d never live to see another sunrise. She doesn’t get along with a lot of people, especially girls. She’s got a hoop in her right nostril, a tattoo on her left wrist that says forever young, and an attitude that matches the intensity of her bright red hair. And I love her.

“So, you know what this weekend is?” Phee asked, once she reached me. Her hot pink lips were spread in a wide grin that in no way shape or form concealed her excitement.

I rolled my eyes. “Like I would forget your birthday, Phee” I replied, stuffing books into my backpack. “You’d kill me if I did.”

She shrugged. “Well, you know what that means, right?” I opened my mouth to answer, but she squealed “Partyyyy!” before I could say anything.

I frowned. “I barely made it out of bed this morning because of your ‘going back to school party’ last night” I replied, referring to the part she had insisted on having to mark the end of winter break. “I feel like you’re trying to kill me.”

It was her turn to roll her eyes. “Hush, baby” she replied flatly. “It’s going to be at Hunter’s house, Friday night. Pick me up at eight.”

And before I even reply, she disappeared down the hall, just as the bell began ringing, not that I was going to argue with her. In truth, I was glad her birthday was going to be at Hunter’s house. He always threw the best parties, with the best beer, and he had the best hang over cure. Not to mention he always made us breakfast in the morning.

So I walked to first period quietly, kind of excited about the party, if not for anything else but the food.

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