A 13 Year Old Bodyguard

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"Mom," I say, " where is my shoes?"

"Hold on..Josh give your sister the shoes now!" As my mom said

"Fine!"says my younger brother Josh.You know younger brothers get on my nerves a lot and I mean what I said by getting to my nerves...Well its only a few mins until my birthday it you don't already know I'm gonna be 12 years old.Well my parents say that that's a good thing. Is it?

Anyways ever birthday I have had growing up I wish the same thing every year. I wish for me to be a rockstar well for right now I think ill just be a regular popstar.

When I wokee but the next morning I felt different I was in a new house in a new town. When I walked out side I seen a sign not just a sign it was the hollywood sign! That it corse ment I was in LA. How cool would it be it you woke but and there was a hollywood sign in your back yard.

And that's and it there was a limo out side how neat it is.

I cant believe my wish came true...


hey people i know this chapter might be short and there might miss spelled words and everything.Well im sorry for that the reason for that is because i was using a touch screen.So thanks for reading this far and keep reading again thanks

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