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A month had passed since Ryleigh had moved across the country, lost all contact with her father, and moved in with Adam to be his "bride".

Their relationship had been friendly for the past month. Acting like husband and wife when out in public, but growing to be best of friends behind closed doors. Adam decided that he needed to talk to Ryleigh about getting a job so that she can get out of the house and not stay so cooped up all the time.

It was around 11am, on Saturday morning, when Ryleigh woke up to the smell of bacon wafting through the air. She rolled over and slipped her pink furry pig slippers on and walked through the house to Adam at the stove in pajama bottoms and no shirt revealing his tattoo's that made Ryleigh drool every time she saw him shirtless.

"Hey sleepyhead," Adam turned around and handed Ryleigh some juice.

"Blah, bacon smells soooo good," she smiled and then took a sip of juice.

"Thank you, I went out and killed the pig myself. Just kidding, good ole Oscar Meyer," he laughed.

"Have you talked to anyone back in New York? I'd really like to know how my dad is doing," she sighed.

"I check in once a week from a throwaway phone and no one has said anything," he turned back around to flip the bacon.

"Any chance that we can sneak somewhere and have my dad meet us? I miss him so much and the no contact with him is driving me crazy. Have they even done anything with Dom yet?'

"They are working on it, gathering facts, they found two more bodies that seem to be linked to the DeRosario family. I hate to say this, but the answer to sneaking somewhere and seeing your father is a huge no no. Plus, this collecting of all the facts, alibi's etc could take quite some time Ryleigh. You have to be patient," Adam sighed knowing that Ryleigh was upset.

"I WANT TO SEE MY DAD!!!" Ryleigh screamed at Adam.

"Ryleigh, I know this must be hard on you, but we have to protect you. These people are not to be played with. They would rather kill you than to leave you alone," Adam turned around and told Ryleigh.

"You don't know, you will never know. Have you ever been taken away from your family, not been allowed to talk to them, been able to see them?" she asked with tears streaming down her face.

"No, I can't say that I have," he walked over to her.

"Then don't say you know this must be hard on me unless you've lived it," she sniffed.

"Well, dry those tears Missy, and eat. After this we're going to go and try to find you a job today. Maybe getting out of the house will help with some of this. Keep your mind off of things. I think you just need to get out and be busy," he said putting a plate in front of Ryleigh and sitting down next to her.

After an hour of eating and talking Ryleigh went to go get showered and dressed. Not wanting to look for a job, but thought this could be an easy way out and to get to her dad. Thirty minutes later she came through the house in a black pencil skirt, white dress shirt, black dress jacket, black heels, light make-up, and hair pulled up in a bun.

"You look nice, I'm sure you'll get a job," Adam smiled.

"A job, based on my looks? You are such a pig Adam," she laughed.

"Let's go wifey," he smiled and took her hand and walked out the door dropping it only to turn around and lock the door.

"Oh look our lovely neighbor is staring," Ryleigh laughed while Adam opened the car door for her.

"Yeah I noticed that," and he leaned in and kissed her lightly on the lips, "Get in the car," he smiled.

"Yes sir," she sat down trying to pick her jaw up off the ground from the kiss that Adam just gave her. Although, it was small it was still a kiss.

Adam went around the car waving at the neighbor and got in the car.

"That'll teach her to be nosey, but apparently she liked it because she came outside to watch us drive away," Adam laughed.

"Yeah, taught me," she said in a whisper.

"Huh?" Adam asked.

"I said yeah," she blushed.

They drove listening to the radio. A song came on that reminded Ryleigh of her dad and she made a decision that she might regret, but had to do it. The next redlight was at the Hollywood Boulevard intersection. Ryleigh waited until Adam stopped the car and she jumped out.

"What the hell??" Adam said while putting the car in park and jumping out of the car running after her.

Running as fast as she could in heels she stopped for a moment and removed her heels and by the time she could take off running again Adam grabbed her around the waist.

"Ryleigh what in the fuck do you think you're doing?" he screamed while picking her up bridal style while she is kicking and screaming.

"Put me down right now!!!!" she screamed.

"I'm not putting you down until we get in the car," he said walking quickly back to his car.

The traffic was backed up and the police were at Adam's car when he got back.

"Sir, is there any particular reason that you left your car parked here?" a big officer that made about two of Adam asked.

"Yes sir," Adam said walking the officer over to the side and showing him his credentials that he was with the FBI and that the lady he had was under his care. They let Adam keep his car and as he got back to the car Ryleigh was talking to the backup officer.

"Ryleigh, get in the car," Adam demanded.

"It was nice talking with you officer," she smiled as she got back in the car and slammed the door and reached over and turned the radio up.

Adam reached over and turned the radio off, "What in the fuck was that all about?"

"What does it matter? You don't give a damn anyway. All you care about is the money you're getting paid to keep me locked up and no contact with my father," she smarted off.

"No, I'm here to keep you from getting killed and I'm trying to give you a normal life. Do you know you could've gotten yourself killed pulling a stunt like that? All I want to do is keep you safe, give you a somewhat normal life until we get this douche bag and his family behind bars where they belong. You won't be with me forever if that's what you're afraid of. It may be a year or so that you're stuck with me. Then after that you can go back to being the spoiled little rich girl that daddy pampers all the time. The one that doesn't have to work for a living and that does what she wants," Adam laid it all out on the line.

"For one, you don't know me. I had a fucking job before you and your goons took me away. I was a CFO for one of my dad's companies, I earned my own money, my father didn't spoil me. I went to college, I have a PhD, I bought everything that I own. Well, everything that I use to own. Now, I have to fucking start over from scratch probably making minimum wage, because being Ryleigh Hunter, I don't have my PhD anymore. What do you say about that Special Agent? What the fuck is so special about you anyway??" Ryleigh asked.

"I busted my ass to get where I am Ryleigh, hours and hours of studying, pushing myself. I almost gave up a few times, but I didn't. This is not what I want to be doing, just like you don't want to be doing what you're doing right now, but damn it this is the shitty hand that we were dealt, so let's just make the best of it until all this is over then we can go our separate ways," he said as he pulled into the driveway and got out of his car leaving Ryleigh behind.

Ryleigh got out of the car and walked up behind Adam.

"Look, I'm sorry Adam I didn't mean to blast you like that," she looked down at the ground.

"Hey," he said tipping Ryleigh's chin up and looked her in the eyes, "I'm sure this is hard and I'll be here to listen to you and try to feel what you're going through okay?" he asked.

Ryleigh nodded her head in acknowledgement as Adam bent his head down and passionately kissed her. Ryleigh returned the kiss as they walked inside the house and Adam slammed the door shut with his foot and pushed her up against the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2018 ⏰

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