Love Triangles

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Jake slammed the front door and was about to go up to his room when he was cornered by his mum.

'You said you were working later' she said folding her hands over her chest.

'I don't call this late, it's not even noon.'

'Something came up' he said doubtfully.

'Is it Ashley?' she asked, leading him to the kitchen.

'I don't wanna talk about it' he muttered, trying to pull away.

'I feel you drifting away from me, what can I do to bring you back?' his mum said worriedly.

'Nothing, I'm not drifting away and to answer your question, me and Ashley are over. According to her, nothing ever happened between us.'

His mum remained silent for a while, thinking what could make him feel better.

'Did something happen, that could have upset her?' she asked tentatively.

'I said I didn't want to talk about it' Jake snapped back, getting to his feet. 'Why does everyone always want something from me? Why can't you just understand me and leave it at that? Everyone judges everything I do, telling me what's right or wrong. I hate it.'

And with that he stormed up the stairs. He loved his mum, but sometimes she asked too many questions when he didn't want to say anything. She just got on his nerves, and it never ended happily.

He sat on a bale of hay, writing. It was of Ashley's effects on him, she had told him that writing helped her clear her mind, and he was discovering for himself that she was right. With every stab of the pen on the white paper he felt better, like he was passing his troubled on to the paper and getting rid of them forever. He stopped for a moment and reread what he had written.

I guess I know no one can read this, I'll probably throw it away as soon as I finish. So I guess then I can say whatever I want... Ashley is really worrying me. What else is new? I still don't know how to say this, it's like I'm talking about her behind her back and I know you could kill me if she found out... Maybe I should stop.

'What are you doing?' came a girl's voice, startling him out of his wits.

'Nothing' he said, quickly closing the copybook and turning to face Aubrey who was standing in the doorway.

'You don't really fool anyone by pretending you're not missing Ashley' she said, sitting down next to him.

'I don't miss her' he said defensively.

'Sure you don't' she replied with a smile that suggested that she knew better.

'She just fucks up my mind, you know?'

'You're not the only one' she sighed, patting his knee in a friendly way that made Jake smile.

'She's hard to understand' Aubrey continued uncertainly. Jake nodded and looked around trying to avoid Aubrey's gaze. He felt uncomfortable talking about Ashley with her, it just wasn't natural. Just the thought that she could go and report everything to Ashley was scary, and the thought of what Ashley would do to him was even scarier.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2016 ⏰

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