Chapter One

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    The harvest moon shown brightly in the sky, almost like as if it was emanating a sort reddish hue. It wasn’t a cloudless night. As a matter of fact, many clouds wafted across the bright night light. Alice and Lavi Blackwood were sent down, down towards The Underground.

    The two siblings were known as Eudora’s Children, a group of those who defend Eudora, a sleeping Goddess, and the human race. They were sent to slay Demons who show themselves only at night, carrying around a scythe laced with scarlet ribbons and jingling bells, and disguising themselves as harmless looking animals.

    The Underground led to wherever Eudora and her sister, Lenora, had connections to. Such as the Ravine of Voices, Lace River, Monk’s Mausoleum, and so forth. Today, these two were headed to none of those places, but towards a library. The Silk Library, a place where Eudora would spend a fraction of her time in, reading and reading and reading, despite her sister’s dislike for it, who preferred studying magic instead.

    The Underground, is nothing more but tunnels that run down deep into the ground, never touched by hands of those who have no association with the two, young but cursed, Goddesses. The name is an oxymoron; the locations are mostly above ground. Only a handful are actually not on top of the soil. The Silk Library was one of those whom sat above ground.

    “Lavi. What had James sent us to get?” Alice inquired to her brother, her naturally lightly curled, black hair brushed over her arm as she pulled a book out by the spine of it on a tall wooden shelf.

    “It was Eudora’s journal, was it not? I’ve never understood why he’d let himself prod and probe at the Goddess’ personal journal. I’ve read through it a dozen times and there was never a reason or thought written in there as to why Lenora would wake up one day and decide to send minions down to her sister’s remarkable world that she created. Just theorized to be out of jealousy.” said Lavi as he adjusted the white glasses that were drooping down his nose

    Being a child of the Blackwood family would mean you would have extremely beautiful looks, often mistaken for perfectly done plastic surgery. It would mean you would have a magnificent body figure, fit enough to allure any man or woman. It would mean you would get high marks and be quite intelligent. It would mean you would be athletic and can excel in gym class. It would lastly mean you were unconditionally cursed also.

    Most of the Blackwoods, first of all, had a hot temper which caused many to not enjoy being around them, as written in diaries. Second, you were just born into being Eudora’s Child, as about eight-tenths of the Blackwood family has been found guilty of being a Child found by Adaya, Eudora’s human-looking...creation, pet, and servant. And last, but not least, you would be orphans. You would begin living the life of an orphan after the youngest born would turn two then face the dire consequences of being shipped off to live in the Black Manor. It happened to each and every single one once the Blackwood family was recognized as one whom carried Eudora and Adaya’s Gift. The way you died were all different, however.

    The Black Manor was said by outsiders to just be a rich person’s house. Alas, that is incorrect and accurate. The Black Manor was the seventh mansion built in Auburn, Washington and by two people named Isaac and Anthony Black. The people who now have in possession the mansion is not, unfortunately, the two Black brothers as they casted a dark magic spell and got themselves and their wives turning into murderers that slaughtered each other until death did them part, but instead the government.

    “Hey. Lavi! Found it.” Alice’s blue eyes sparkled in the moonlight. The Silk Library had a large window that casted a beautiful moon in it’s presence, overviewing a magnificent body of water that no soul has visited since.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2012 ⏰

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