I didn't see Liam today

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*16 votes till the next chapter! ooooh! switchin it up! 

I tossed and turned frantically in bed next to Liam, letting out a slight groan. I’d woken up at around 7, but he insisted on me going back to sleep - so here I was. I rolled over, looking at Liam, some how happily still asleep. I poked his cheek repeatedly, hoping it was annoy him and finally wake his ass up - but sadly, no.

I snuck out of bed, sending him a text telling him I’d gone down for breakfast, or to the beach, or wherever. Really, that’s what I wrote.

“Gone to breakfast. Or Beach. Or something. Love Indie <3”

I’m the queen of perfect text messages, I know. I wrapped a random blanket around my shoulders, stepping out of the room and making my way down the stairs. Even from the stairs, inside the house, you could smell the wonderful smell of the ocean. I breathed in, taking in the lovely smell.

At the bottom of the stairs, I noticed Arrow walking towards the kitchen. I ran down the stairs, waving my hand to get his attention. He turned, grinning. I smiled, catching up to him fully now. In the kitchen, I took in the smell of pancakes, bacon, and so many other amazing smells.

“I’m glad I woke up!” I signed, shifting my eyes evilly, “Nobody get Liam,” I grinned ear to ear at the thought of his lazy ass not getting any of my pancakes. The whole “We’re dating so we share food” thing was nice, but only when it was him sharing - not the other way around.

Katie, Arrow, Hailey and I all sat around stuffing our faces. It was probably a scary sight to see, but lucky for us nobody but the house keeper even came into the room - though, I’m pretty sure she didn’t even see us.


Later that afternoon, Arrow took me our shopping. Liam, Hailey and Katie were off playing video games, I think. It was either that or building video games out of sand. Which, knowing them - they’d probably do. Arrow had his arm around my shoulder, and my arm was around his waist. I felt warm in his arms. Not the way I felt with Liam, but some how, this held a close second in my heart.

I’d been having a lot of weird thoughts recently - since the night of the music incident. I’d never really minded being deaf. It was just who I was. But now, after meeting Liam, my musician boyfriend, I couldn’t help but think maybe... just maybe I wanted to hear. I wanted to at least hear my boyfriend say anything - and when I say anything, I mean anything.

I looked up at Arrow, who was standing looking at some sort of jewelry - probably for Hailey.

“Those are pretty,” I signed, pointing at a pair of earrings with fake diamonds on them. He smiled, picking them up and examining them. He handed them to the lady at the cashier stand, giving her a warm smile. She told him the price, but I don’t think he saw her lips when she said it because he ended up whipping out his phone to ask.

The lady seemed nice, and was rather understanding towards Arrow’s “situation” as people seem to love to call it these days. We thanked her, and made our way out of the store. He looked down at me, thanking me for the idea. I nodded, going back to my thoughts.

“You seem distracted,” Arrow signed, looking at me with a concerned expression. I gave him a confused glance, arching my eyebrow. He ruffled my hair, messing it up horribly. I made a face like I was about to cry, fixing it back so it was perfect again. I mean really - I’m perf.

“Just thinking,” I finally signed - but not without him pressing it till it was flat and nasty. I bit my lip, picking up my hand and beginning to bite my nails. Arrow was my best friend, and well - he knew my awkward quirks. He swatted my hand away from my mouth, giving me a stern fatherly look. I rolled my eyes, slapping his arm.

“What’re you thinking about?” He asked, giving me a signature Arrow look.

You know the ones people have, right? The look they make, that absolutely nobody else can make - or even, the look they only ever give you. I stared at his face for a while, scared to death of he’d think of me. I wanted to badly to run for my life at that moment. Drop everything and run away.

The sad thing about being far away from home is, you have no where to run to when you’re scared. You’re faced with speaking utter bullshit lies - or worse, the truth.

“I think maybe I want to hear,” I signed, looking down at my feet. I didn’t dare look up at my best friends face. I was so scared of the hurting it would have. Also, I was scared he’d laugh at me, and him - of all people, laughing at what I wanted was something I couldn’t handle.

The ground was disgusting, it had sand and dirt and gum and spit and just anything you could ever think of on it. I wanted to look up, but looking up meant at some point having to face Arrow, and I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t bring myself to do it.

He lifted my face with his hands, tipping my chin up lightly. He had a warm smile on his face, one he wore very well. I grinned awkwardly, not sure how to react to his happy expression. He leaned down, kissing my forehead.

“What you want to do, is what I want for you.”



I needed a filler chapter to seperate the dramatic chapters. :'3

song: I'd hate to be you when people find out what this song is about - mayday parade

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