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It has come to my attention that you approved the request of funds for the Science department without discussing it with me as both the head of department and your Executive Officer. While I wish to express gratitude for the additional help, you did not allow me sufficient time to explain the reason for the request, which is an illogical action. I appreciate the apparent trust you put in me, but it would be advisable to discuss the matter in person so you know fully what the funds will be used for. I suggest a meeting tonight after dinner where we may continue our chess game. I do believe I am not mistaken in the fact that I am winning.



Jim Kirk, Captain of the Enterprise, could not help but hide a slight grin behind his hand. This was not the first letter from his First Officer (and friend, believe it or not) to end this way, and while Jim knew he was merely using the signature to sign off as Executive Officer, he couldn't help but feel a little affectionate amusement at the unintentional double meaning.

How was his Vulcan First Officer supposed to know that the letters "X" and "O" were often used by human lovers (and more than usually pubescent females) to express endearments and as symbols for hugs and kisses?

It was perfectly acceptable for his stoic Executive Officer to use that abbreviation in reports and the like. It might be a little strange that Spock only ever used that abbreviated title and no other, another little idiosyncrasy of his favourite Vulcan.

What was also strange, of course, was that Spock brought his title to the personal messages between him and Jim as well. No other title remained except that one. Abbreviated. Into a hug and a kiss.

He knew he probably should ask him about it. It wouldn't do for someone to accidentally get the wrong message if they happened to read one of Jim's personal notes. Not that anyone should have reason to read his personal correspondence. But it was the principle of the matter. Spock may become embarrassed if he's been using that particular ending signature on notes to other people and they call him out on it.

Though Jim didn't know why the thought of Spock sending accidental hugs and kisses to anyone else should cause him such annoyance. It's not like he was...well, anyway.

Jim decided that night, during their bro not-date, he would set Spock straight and explain why he should probably be more aware of what he was doing. Actually, it became imperative when the next personal message came through looking even more incriminating, causing Jim to quietly groan and fight down a blush of embarrassment. He could only lie to himself for so long, and it was harder with every new message from the Vulcan.


Due to the crew rotation and our lack of available spare time together, I would like to extend the request for you come to my quarters for dinner instead, which will give us more time for enjoyable play afterwards. Feel free to enter without knocking.




Straightening his uniform shirt for what Spock would most likely say was an illogical reason, Jim cleared his throat before striding through the door, eyes immediately catching sight of his First Officer setting the last of the meal at a table. He glanced up at Jim's entrance and offered a nod of acknowledgement. Jim grinned his cocksure smile back.

"Smells delicious Mr Spock," he announced. "You're a master of the replicator."

"Actually, Captain, I picked up the majority of the ingredients the last time we were planetside. It has been awhile since I actively participated in cooking a meal, and decided to do so again. Some were indeed made by the replicator, but I wished to further express my gratitude in a 'home cooked' meal. I am told it is a comfort for humans especially. My mother much preferred home cooking rather than relying on a replicator for everything."

XO - A Spirk FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now