5: Andrew Kline

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Bradley was shocked beyond anything. Why had he just received a door in the face? There must have been some mistake. Maybe she did not recognize him, or was too excited that she did not know how to handle her emotions. Yes, that must have been the answer, for there was not another reason that he could think of at the moment.

It was late judging by the time on his phone, and he realized he needed to find somewhere to stay. There wasn't a decent hotel in Jennings, and he doubted whether Brooke would calm down enough to let him stay with them. He wished that his mother had opened the door. Surely she would have let him in. Brooke would come around in good time, and Bradley didn't let it bother him.

He walked down the steps, brushing past two people who were laughing and talking. He turned around and saw the back of their heads, both with blonde hair, one young girl and one young man.

The girl turned to look at him, and he quickly looked away, continuing down the steps. For a second he had thought it was his youngest sister, but surely she would have recognized him. After all, she had been nine years old when he last saw her, it must have been someone else. 

Bradley crossed the parking lot and unlocked his car. As he opened the door to get in, he saw the girl still looking at him. When she saw him looking at her, she quickly turned around and vanished.

It was now clear that it had indeed been his sister. 

He sat down in the driver's seat and shut the door. He was not intending on driving anywhere, so he just sat. If that had really been his sister, who was the man who she was with? She was too young for boys, much too young. How could his parents be so irresponsible about her? He definitely needed to talk to them, and give them a few pointers on parenting. Of course, he had only seen the back of said man's head, but he towered inches over her, and something about him just seemed curious.

He put the keys in the ignition and decided he would just drive somewhere, for he was beginning to get tired. The motor sounded, and there came a beeping noise. He ignored it, and pulled out of the parking spot. The car stopped completely.

"Come on," he muttered. He slammed his fists on the steering wheel, causing the horn to honk.

He was completely out of gas, and there was no way he was going to be able to move without some. There was nowhere to go. The gas station down the road would be closed by the time he could walk there. He was stuck in the middle of the parking lot, and he needed a plan.

Rushing, he hurried out of his car and back up the stairs. Which apartment had it been...

He walked quickly around the perimeter, trying to find something of recognition to help him remember.

"2E?" he questioned, looking at the nameplate on the door. It was worth a shot. 

He knocked thrice on the door and took a step back, waiting patiently for his knock to be answered.

His dark brown hair was longer than Bradley remembered, and it was messy and unclean. His face yawned as he struggled to open his eyes. Bradley stood there smiling at him, as his friend rubbed his eyes.

His dark brown eyes opened in shock at the man he saw outside his door. "Good Lord, Bradley, is that you?" asked Andrew Kline, his mouth sliding into a grin.

Bradley held out his hand for Andrew to shake, but was pulled into an unexpected man hug.

"Good to see you," said Bradley, patting his friend's back.

"What brings you here? It's been forever," said Andrew, patting down his hair with his hands. 

"Well, I was in town, and I was intending to see my family, but I don't think they're emotionally prepared to welcome me yet," said Bradley. 

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