Chapter 2

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He was being sold? Adopted? Taken away by a giant!?

Jason was completely limp with bewilderment as he was set down in his new pet carrier, not even bothering to try to protest. He had just gotten sold for 50 euros! That was expensive for a pet human!

Jason slowly sat up, his shock wearing off as his new owner paid for him. The floor beneath him was covered with a towel, which he gripped tightly in his fists as he looked out past the bars of his carrier. He heard his owner bid the clerk a good day before he started walking, swaying Jason side to side as he moved. He watched as the once familiar walls of the store disappeared as the giant walked through the glass doors, and the tiny human's ears was immediately met with harsh deafening new sounds, making him yip a little and clamp the heels of his hands over his ears. He was met with all sorts of unfamiliar senses, from the deafening noises like construction to the long unseen bright colors of the bright sky and the trees and buildings.

He finally relaxed however when the giant walked up to a red Cadillac and opened the right car door, setting Jason's carrier down in the passenger's seat before slamming the door shut. Jason jumped a bit, but then he calmed back down once the nauseating new senses were dulled to the simple shiny grey interior of the vehicle, and Jason's new owner climbing into the driver's seat and turning the ignition on.

The engine turned over and roared to life, making Jason flinch with a small startled squeak. The giant merely glanced at him with an unreadable expression before focusing on driving, and he slowly pulled out of his parking spot and began the drive home.

For a little while, the two sat in awkward silence, in which Jason went ahead and got up, walking around his carrier to explore what little he could. He went to the side opposite of his owner, in the back where there was nothing but the blank canvas of the plastic walls. He laid down and curled up in the towel; despite the towel being old and rough-textured, it was oddly better than the bottom of his old cage-- the pet store owner had thought that it'd be a good idea to put artificial grass in for "environment," but he was horribly wrong.

Jason took the corner of the towel and rolled over, wrapping himself up in the thick "furry" cloth, snuggling it for warmth. It wasn't much, but again, compared to his old cage... It was alright, he supposed.

He suddenly heard a chuckle, and he peeked back out to see his owner grinning a little.

"You're so weird," he teased, appearing to be amused. Jason blinked, then wriggled back down in his little tunnel of protection. He wasn't cold... He just... Wanted... Something. But he didn't know what exactly.

"So then, where were you from?" The giant continued, taking no notice of Jason's shyness. Jason's heart skipped a beat, and he shook his head, refusing to reply as his tiny little heart pounded in his lithe chest; he was too afraid to answer.

The giant looked over and frowned a little at Jason's fearful expression, then his frown relaxed a little, and he sighed.

"... I'm guessing you're not one to talk?" He surmised, more or less. Jason shook his head again and scooted back under the towel corner, snuggling it timidly as the giant exhaled in response.

"Fine then, that's fine I guess... I can just think up something to call you later then." The giant turned the wheel and slowed the car up a driveway, then the vehicle came to a steady smooth halt. Jason watched as his owner pulled the parking gear in place, then turned the engine off.

The giant sighed and sat back, then after a pause tilted his head back to Jason.

"Well then, I'm Ty," he offered. "I don't know too much about humans, so if you need something like food or water, then just speak up." Jason nodded timidly, squirming out from under the towel and warily walking over to the carrier's door. He gripped the bars as Ty opened the car door and got out, and the giant closed his door, walked around the car hood, and he pulled open Jason's car door.

"Here we go," Ty grunted as he reached in and pulled out Jason's carrier. "Husky should still be inside." Jason didn't know who this "Husky" was, but he had a feeling he wasn't a human too, sadly.

As Ty headed up the three small steps of the patio that led to the front door, Jason peeked up at the building. It was two stories (two giant's sized stories) tall, therefore it looked about the size of a skyscraper to humans. It had a warm welcoming brown-mansion appearance to it, only not as gothic.

That was about all Jason could see of the exterior as Ty dug his keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door, stepping in and closing it behind him.

Jason looked around curiously. Obviously his owner was doing ok with money; nice comfy-looking couch, a few decorative furniture like the nice coffee table and a rug. The kitchen in the distance looked good too...

Ty headed down a hall and pushed open another door to a room with rich, dark caramel-colored floorboards and light tawny-brown walls with white baseboard.

This was a bedroom, with a double bed with rich brown wood and cream-colored sheets. It looked very comfortable, but Jason could only guess that since Ty was setting his cage down on the end table that was about a giant-sized foot away from the bed and up against the wall.

"Alrighty then." Ty crouched down to peer through the bars at Jason, grinning with a sense of pride at his new pet. "I gotta go find Husky to keep an eye on you, then I'll be at the store getting you some things." He paused before quipping, "Don't go anywhere~" before getting up and leaving the room, shutting the door. Jason stared after him as the giant's footsteps faded, and he perked up when he heard Ty and someone else talking. They talked for a bit before laughing and parting ways, and Jason tensed when someone else approached his room and opened the door.

"Hey there little guy!" This giant had brown curly hair and thick black glasses, as well as a grey shirt and black sweats. Jason realized that this was "Husky."

His voice was husky.

Husky walked over to Jason's carrier and crouched down, smiling friendly at the defenseless human.

"My name's Quentin, but Ty just calls me Husky," he offered. Jason blinked a few times and stared wordlessly at Quentin. Did the giant expect him to reply?

"Not much of a talker, huh?"


"That's fine, all you gotta do is just nod or shake your head."

Jason stared for another moment.

"... do you just not like talking, or do you have any hearing problems?"

Indignant, Jason glared at the giant.

Quentin grinned, "Alright, nothing to get riled up about. Ty asked me to be your vet, make sure you're in good condition and all." Jason frowned. A vet? Humans really were nothing but pets now...

"So," Quentin opened the cage door and reached in for Jason. Jason's eyes widened, and he was quick to dart to the side, avoiding the extended hand. Quentin sighed patiently and pulled his hand back out, fixing a calm gaze at Jason. "I need to make sure you're in good shape," He soothed. "Keep you in proper health." Jason was glaring hesitantly at this "doctor." He didn't appreciate the idea of being manhandled. After a moment of no response, Quentin raised one brow.

"Unless of course, you'd rather me tell Ty how uncooperative you are," he offered. "I'm sure he can train you to be a little more... obedient." Jason paled and shuddered. He did not want anyone to "train" him. Studying the human's expression, Quentin nodded in satisfaction and sat back.

"So then." He reached up into the cage again, gently groping for Jason.

Jason had no choice but to comply.

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