Too Much Work

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No matter how much I tried, I couldn't give the bill back to Rangiku, so I ended up paying it. I sighed and laid down in my bed. My head was killing me and I didn't want to get up. At first, I tried to sleep, but the pounding in my head prevented me from doing that. I rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling. I began thinking about what was going to happen now that three captains had betrayed us and left. I scowled. Even though I resented Tousen for leaving, I hated Aizen even more.

He was a terrible man and I never really did like him. The man just didn't give off a good vibe. He was shady and didn't seem like a man you could trust. On that day, he proved me right.

I watched as Aizen, Gin, and Tousen rose into the blue sky. I was wishing I could just rip Aizen's throat out, but they were all untouchable. They were all bathed in a bright light created by menos called a Negacion. If it weren't for that, I would have already killed Aizen and ended this whole thing. But, instead, I was glaring up at Aizen. He smiled down at me and at that moment, I realized that he was sick. He was a sick, twisted man and now everyone knew that. I knew that there was no going back, and he knew, too. No one would trust him again. That thought, made me smile.

I sighed and cleared my mind. I wanted to forget everything. That's when the shoji screen opened. Hisagi walked in, slid the screen closed, and knelt down beside me. I stared at him, confused. He looked nervous and for once, he didn't have a serious look in his eyes. I flushed, thinking about what he could say. Hisagi looked away and gripped his black hakama. I thought that maybe he would confess his love for me or something like that, but what I got was a disappointment.

"Um..N-Nita, I heard that you were out drinking with Rangiku last night. Did...Did she say anything about me?"

I deadpanned. That was deffinitely not what I was hoping for.

"Yes, she told me she thinks you're so handsome and that she really likes you," I said sarcastically. He turned back to me, a sparkle in his eyes. "Really?" I rolled over onto my side and grumbled, "No, idiot. I was drunk. I don't remember a thing." I kept my back to Hisagi, frustrated. "Oh." Then everything got silent. I knew that Rangiku and Izuru were wrong about Hisagi liking me. He was obviously too infatuated with Miss Big Boobs to think about anyone else. I glared at my zanpakuto. Genka was probably furious with me. He was most likely planning to tear me apart.

"Nita." I listened to Hisagi as he spoke, "I need you to help with next month's issue of Seireitei Communication. I currently have a lot of things to take care of and I need your help to do some of them. There's so many things I need to get done with and such a short amount of time to do them all." I craned my neck so that I could look at him. He was staring at me, that same serious look back in his eyes now. I gave him a worried look and told him, "I'll help, but maybe you should take it easy." He shook his head and said, "I'm fine. I just need a little help." I was still worried about him. Hisagi couldn't keep going like this. He would run himself into the ground if he did.

"Just don't overdo it, Shuhei," I told him warily. Hisagi gave me a small smile, stood up, and insisted, "I'm fine, Nita. You worry too much about other people and you don't have time to worry about yourself sometimes." He left and I thought about what he said. Maybe he was right. Maybe I did worry too much about others and not enough about myself. I shook my head, pushing the thought away. I sat up and decided to go find Shunsui.

I pushed past the small curtain and smiled. "I figured I'd find you here, Shunsui." He looked up and put his cup down on the table. I knelt down across from him and looked at the new bottle of sake. "It's only the middle of the day and you're already drinking?" I asked, looking up at him. He smiled and replied, "It's never too early for a drink." I rolled my eyes. "If Nanao found out-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2012 ⏰

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