Time Changes Things

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Draco exhaled through his teeth. The palms of his hands were clammy. Fear kept him frozen. Without turning his head, he could see all the other death eaters, mirroring him.

The familiar dark wooden dinning table sat before him. The dim light catching upon random bubbled pools of liquid on the tabletop. Swallowing the lump that formed in his throat, he dug his nails into his palms.

Hisses. Whispers. Murmurings.

Draco watched the slithering snake sliding upon the table. The bubbles of liquid breaking shape. Crimson clinging to the serpent.

Screams of agony rang out following biting hisses. A helpless muggleborn witch with blonde unruly curls. Her hair rivaled Granger's back in the day.

He inhaled sharply. Catching everyone's attention he couldn't help but shrink in his seat. The Dark Lord padded his bare feet against the tile floor. Suddenly hot hissing words pressed against his ear. Draco couldn't understand them for some reason.

Then he was thrown backwards to the ground. He couldn't speak. His tongue was thick and dry. The bloodied snake towered over him from the table that was now empty. His mother stoically watching to his right. His father sneering in disgust.

The Dark Lord stood above him grinning. Whispering to the serpent that nodded in response. Slowly baring its teeth, it lunged.

Agonizing pain tore at his arm. Hot blood spurted across his face. He could hear an evident pain riddled scream. Which he then identified as his own.

"Draco..." a whisper tickled his cheek.

He could feel sharp fangs sunken into his shoulder. Tearing at his flesh. Metallic tang stung his nose and warmly coated his skin.

"Draco..." the voice urged as he struggled against the snake. "Wake up..."


Cold sweat beaded upon his neck and forehead as he proceeded to open his eyes. In panted breaths, he looked around the room to find himself in bed. His bed.

Then he turned his eyes to his left to find a silhouette, her silhouette. Just seeing her brought him back.


Brown wavy locks cascaded down her bare shoulders while her face knotted in concern.

"Draco..." She spoke once more before he exhaled harshly. With a singular nod he reached out and guided her to him.

It was just nightmare. He thought to himself as he pulled her against him. She then made her way to lay halfway on his chest with her head tucked just beneath his chin.

Closing his eyes, Draco shakily inhaled deeply and placed a kiss upon her temple. He moved his left arm to hold onto her, slowly allowing his fingertips to trace the curve of her spine. Draco wasn't sure when it happened but she was his anchor.

"I've read talking about them could help," her voice was soft and soothing.

"You and your reading Granger," he mumbled with a small smile against her hair. Feeling her smile against his chest he shook his head. "I'm fine. We do need to get some sleep while we can..."

With a sigh, Draco looked down at her as she draped her left leg over and between his. He almost wondered how they'd gotten here from over four months ago.

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