Jack Rabbit

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   Generally a rabbit is no match for an Old's '88. Generally, a car is not sentient either. But I'm getting ahead of myself here.

Agent Jack "Rabbit" Howell was a spy for the British government, one of the youngest ever. He'd been helping out the British government long before that, though, foiling a plot to steal the Crown Jewels at the age of nine. However, Rabbit and his first adventure with the government is not the story we're going to talk about. We're talking about an Old's '88, remember?

Well, it all started on a typical day at Rabbit's flat. He was watching some British Sci-Fi on the sofa, too enthralled to have the decency to eat his popcorn which was steadily growing colder. He was so captivated in fact, that he didn't notice when he got a phone call with a very specific ringtone. Eventually the phone went to voicemail, and the only sounds in the room were once again coming from his television screen.

"Jack," a voice echoed.

Immediately, he stood and saluted, turning in circles trying to find where the voice was coming from. In the corner behind him a slightly blue. image of a much older man flickered. The man was wearing a suit that was slightly wrinkling because of his crossed arms. He had a receding hairline and harsh face that was twisted in disgust. His squinty eyes watched the nineteen year old agent turn in circles, and once again wondered why he was ever hired.

Rabbit finally turned to the correct corner, saluting to the flickering hologram.

"Evening, sir," he said.

"Evening," the man replied.

"So what does the British government want now?" The technically-still-a-teen now had a smile on his face, already excited at the prospect of another mission.

The hologram man raised an eyebrow. "How do you know I'm not just here for a visit?"

Rabbit rolled his eyes. "You are the human embodiment of the British government, Alfred. You don't do social calls, you have the queen do that for you."

Alfred sneered. "Not quite. Anyways, all we need from you this time is some reconnaissance. Some Scots are coming by Buckingham Palace for a visit tomorrow and we'd like for you to spy on them for us. See what you can find. However, if you get caught, we don't know you."

"Aw," Rabbit made an exaggerated pout. "Does Alfie not like me enough to save me from my own stupidity?"

Alfred rolled his eyes before the hologram flashed away. Rabbit grinned and plopped back down on the sofa, fully intent on finishing the show on the telly.

"Get down here," Alfred ordered, appearing in the room once again.

Rabbit's grin grew larger as he flipped the television off and toed some shoes on before heading off to the home of the British monarchy.


Exactly sixteen hours later, Rabbit found himself in a duct inside Buckingham Palace discreetly following the Scottish ambassadors to the rooms they would be staying in. Technically, what he was about to do was illegal, but as far as the government was concerned, Rabbit was acting purely on his own. The teen let a wicked grin appear on his face as the Scottish men disappear into a room. He soon followed through the air vents.

The two men below him immediately began to loosen their ties, one of them even flopped back on one of the beds. They looked too young to be ambassadors of the Scottish, university age maybe.

"But who am I to talk," Rabbit muttered to himself, remembering his own age and occupation.

One of the men, the shorter one, looked up. "Did you hear anything, Josh?" he said in a thick Scottish accent.

Jack RabbitWhere stories live. Discover now