Ch. 4 - Out

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Chapter Four

She blinked at him, not believing what he was saying. “A witch...” She said sceptically.

He looked at her, biting his lip in uncertainty. It bothered Birgit that she knew Hunter’s expressions still. “Yes,” he said. With a reluctant sigh he continued, “Listen. You’re part of a strong witch line, and you may not have known but you have a lot of enemies just because you were born.”

“Oh, really?” She asked; a bite of spite in her voice as she went along with his game. She tilted her head and rose her eyebrows. Despite herself she was curious as to where he would take this, and she knew very well this was how she’d fallen into his trap before but Hunter was the flame to Birgit’s moth.

He looked exasperated and looked over the walls of her parents’ bathroom as if written on them was the tale he wanted to weave. “Birgit, don’t. I’m telling the truth. You have to believe me, your life depends on it.”

“Oh, I have to believe you.” She snapped, furiously. Her voice grew louder, and a part of her wanted her mother to sense her anger and act as her saviour one more time. “Since when did I have to do a damned thing for you? You know, you’re some kind of sick.” She started a rant rolling in.

“It’s true!” He exclaimed, apparently just as unconcerned with her parents downstairs. He leapt from the edge of the bathtub and opened his hands to her. “Gi Gi, he was killing you. You probably didn’t know but Ray was a demon and he wants to end your line, he wants to kill everyone in you family.”

Birgit could feel a vein in her forehead pulse as she ground her teeth. She wouldn’t have been surprised if her eye twitched. “I knew you were a crook, and an asshole but this is a new low for even you Hunter. Ray died this morning and you’re making him out to be some weird Satan worshipper. What is wrong with you?” She screamed, rising to her feet.

It didn’t occur to her until after she did it that she was fully exposed but then she ceased to care. “By the way, Hunter, don’t call me Gi Gi ever again. In fact, don’t call me anything ever again. I don’t want to hear from you ever.”

“Be reasonable, this is –”

“Reasonable? You’re asking me to be reasonable?” She shrieked, then pointing at the window through whence he came she continued. “Out! Out! Out! Damn you!”

“It’s your life.” He plead, looking desperate.

“You’re right it is my life, and I can do what I want. Now, out.” She snarled, glaring at him. He hesitated a moment, looking at her desperately. After another second’s hesitation, he shrugged, readjusted his leather jacket, and stalked out the window. The moment he was out of sight Birgit slipped back into the scalding hot water. “Oh, Hunter...” She whispered painfully.

Her heart felt like it had been squeezed and with it all the air from her lungs. She hadn’t realized it but while Hunter had been there, talked to her, that little hole inside herself had been filling again and now it was empty. “He’s not just a criminal,” she sobbed into her soft, wrinkled hands, “he’s full out crazy.”

“Mom!” She called as loud as her voice could. She feared that between all the crying and screaming she’d lose her voice.

There was light, calm sounding footfalls up the steps. Her mother slid into the washroom a moment later, looking sympathetic. “How are you feeling sweetheart?”

“How am I feeling?” She asked with a bit of hysteria layering her inquiry. “Are you aware that a man just broke into your house while I was bathing? That I was screaming and you and dad didn’t do anything?”

“It wasn’t Hunter then?” She asked eyebrows pinched in worry.

“Of course it was Hunter, why does that make any difference?” Birgit was freaking out now. Did Hunter regularly come into their bathroom when people were naked?

“Well, Hunter comes by a lot. You see he was so distraught over the break up and her really loved you, we just thought he needed someone to talk to so we were there for him.”

“In the bathroom?” Birgit knew she was fixating on the point, but it was just so absurd and hadn’t it been her parents who’d advised her to stop all affairs she had with the convict?

“No, in the living room. We heard him come in and we thought the two of you needed some time to talk things out. I mean you haven’t even spoken to him in two years. You could have worked out your problems.” Her mother had on the face that told Birgit that she’d thought long and hard about a subject. But what she was saying made no sense.

“I didn’t want to work out our problems. He was a criminal as you and dad pointed out, and I started seeing Ray.” Her voice broke on the word and she had to fight back tears of anger, confusion and complete and total loss.

“You see that’s the thing... Hunter told us a lot more about Ray than you ever did, and what Hunter found out was not good news.”

“He was lying!” Birgit cried, not understanding any of this. What did she mean that Hunter had told them more about her boyfriend than she did? She’d told them everything she’d known about him, and up until this point she hadn’t even been aware that Hunter knew of Ray’s existence.

“No hunny.” She said calmly. “He wasn’t.”

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