Tragic Love - 1: New Home

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1: New Home. 🍫

"It was time you finally arrived, Mister Watari..." your father said as he held your hand tight on his grip.

"Did you bring me the goods like you said?" You looked up to see your own father gesturing towards an old man in a black suit.

"Yes, it's in this suit case, Mr. (Y/D/L/N). I'll make sure to take good care of your daughter." Watari took your hand as he took you into his car and gave him a black suit case to your father.

Note: Y/D/L/N stands for 'Your Dad's Last Name'

You looked back at your dad once more and got inside. Your father was a drug addict ever since your mother passed away. Your mother had died of a heart attack after you were born.

Your father sales you to an old man who was a stranger to you. You were scared at first because you didn't know who he was or what he was going to do to you.

But all of that was going to changed when you transferred to the Wammy's House residents.


The next morning, Watari came to your room and told you to get ready for the day. You had no other option but to obey him. He closed the door to let you change.

Once you got out of bed, you looked through the tiny night stand next to your bed, and put different clothes on.

After you finished dressing, you looked at yourself in the mirror before exiting the room. Watari was waiting for you outside your door and leaded you downstairs.

He gave you a quick tour around the place as you watched kids play around the hallways and outside.

You walked close to Watari as you had your hands crossed over your chest. When he suddenly stopped in front of a door away from all the kids.

"(Y/N), wait out here. I need to make a quick phone call." He walked inside the room that looked a lot like an office. You watched him close the door behind him as you let out a small sigh.

You closed your eyes for a moment to the thoughts in your head.

"...i can't believe my own father would leave me like this...he sold me to this...old man who i barely even know.." You thought sadly.

But at the same time, you were happy to be away from your father. Your dad was not only a drug attic, but also an abusive father. He would always hit you everytime you threw out his weed outside the window or by disposing of it. You hated drugs. And you hated the way he would raise you every single day you were with him.

You then snapped out of your thoughts to see two boys walking over towards your direction. One was tall, and the other was short. You starred at the one who had short blonde hair up to his neck.

At first, you thought he was a girl. But when you noticed he had boy clothes on, you confirmed that he was a male.

He looked at you with hatred in his eyes as if you had done something wrong to him. He stopped in front of the door next to you along with the other boy next to him. You looked away before making eye contact with any of the two. Afraid that they might say something bad to you.

The other shorter boy was dressed fully in white and his expression looked bored. You didn't play much attention to him at first though. As you only viewed him as a little, innocent, quiet boy. ((🐑))

"Watari...why did you call us here for?" The guy with the blonde hair asked as he opened the door wider to see inside.

" too Near, i need you two to show this young girl around while i'm gone. And please, don't let the other kids pick on her. I need you to keep an eye on her. You see, she is special just like the both of you. Plus, she's been through a lot as well...So be on your best behavior around her." Watari explained to them.

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