Tragic Love - 7: Goodbye, Wammy's House

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The Same Day...

"It's time I started living my own life!!" Mello said storming off of Rogers office. His expression extremely annoyed from the news he had got earlier with Near.

"Near...try to work things with Mello if you can." Roger said sitting in his chair. Feeling the most sorry for L's loss.

"I can't guarantee a thing if that will work out. With (Y/N) being involved and my personal feelings for her, I doubt that will happen now." With that being said, Near took his puzzle set with him out the door. Quietly closing the entrance behind him and noticing Mello at the other end of the hallway.

Talking with (Y/N) who was accompanied by Matt behind her.

"....." Near quietly stayed and watched you from afar. Already predicting Mello's next motives with you.


"(Y/N) I can't stay here any longer! Let's just get out of here! You and me if that's what it comes to!" Mello said trying to convince you to leave out of the Wammy's house with him. His hands currently in each on your shoulders so that you were able to get a good look at his eyes. The most sincerest eyes he laid upon you. All while making him look serious at the same time.

"You mean, right now??" You asked looking at him confused.

You felt somewhat pressured and lost to make a choice. But despite on how you felt, you tried processing the news that Matt had delivered to you not to long ago.

"Yes!....Please (Y/N)...I'm begging you...." Mello's voice had changed again with a pleading tone. Almost as if he had no other choice but to convince you to go with him.

"But-....what about our studies-"

"Forget that! We're going to do things our way from now on!...I'm sick and tired of living here trying to be the best. It's more than obvious that Near is more capable of fulfilling L's role now. And you know this better than anyone...I've mentioned this to you before...remember??"

That's when you recalled the moments where Mello had brought up the times where he had mentioned that he hated living in the same roof as his rival, Near. For years trying to surpass him in every test given to them. But each and every time, Mello always remained second to Near. And it wasn't just because of him. There were other more reasons to why he wanted to leave the Wammy House residence. All the other purposes will remain in the back of your mind.

Despite of the flashbacks you had in Wammy's, you remembered the first time you came here when Watari had brought you in. The first ever smile he given you when you first came inside had crossed your mind. His image alone reminded you that he to, was gone along with L. Causing you to feel depressed.

"Mr.Watari..."  You sorrowed to his late passing.

After a short time of reminiscing, you had finally came to a decision. The very choice that will change your fate forever.

"Well (Y/N)?...have you decided yet?" He said letting go of your shoulders easy. But gently had used one of his other hands to hold on to your hand tightly.

"...Wherever you go, I go..." You openly admitted out loud as you felt your cheeks fluster all of a sudden. Causing Mello's cheeks to also turn a bright red after your response. And also had made him happy that you were coming along with him.

"Can I come along too?" Matt suddenly asked in the background while playing his gameboy in his hands.

Making you and Mello turn to him and back to each other at the same time. Suddenly bursting out a laugh at the sudden question that Matt had asked.

Death Note: Tragic Love (Mello x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now