Chapter 8: Meaning Behind Words

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It was warm, sunny afternoon - just another normal day in the mainly dry Egyptian lands. Y/N had just finished cleaning the royal throne room and was walking towards the smaller dining hall for servants. She wanted to inform Anai that she had finished working in the throne room for today. She walked quickly, not taking the time to admire these wonderful shiny halls like she usually would. It wasn't only that she had already gotten used to being here, but it was that she would let her mind and thoughts wander if she were to slow down and think of something else other than her duties. This 'other thing' she was afraid and embarrassed of was simply a reminder that she, Y/N, the servant and former slave, almost kissed Atem, the pharaoh and the one who ruled over Egypt. And there it was - she thought of it again. The heat suddenly rushed down her entire body, as her soft cheeks warmed up as she walked quickly. She shook her head, biting her lower lip as she tried to forget about that event, but it was no use. Her fast and loud heartbeat couldn't be ignored so easily, and it just kept reminding her of that rather nice moment she shared with the pharaoh. She could even feel his warm, gentle hand cupping her cheek, and the soft wrinkled material of his tunic in her hand. Shaking her head once again, the female closed her eyes, exhaling heavily as she was getting closer and closer to the dining hall. However, she stopped walking as she saw a well familiar woman standing in front of her and her train of thoughts was interrupted when the kind, gentle voice reached her ears and mind.

''Oh, Y/N, I was about to look for you. What a coincidence.'' Anai commented, her warm, genuine smile present on her delicate, feminine features. Y/N noticed that Anai didn't wear any jewelry, as she would usually wear one or two bracelets and shiny earrings. However, she wore the same attire as always: a normal, long white sleeveless dress that reached her ankles and a pair of comfortable wooden sandals. Y/N raised her brow at the friendly female,
''And I was looking for you. I wanted to tell you that I have finished cleaning the throne room.'' Y/N spoke. Anai nodded, noticing the rather confused look on younger girl's face, and her smile only grew wider,
''Alright then! You shall accompany me on my way to the market!'' Anai said, a hint of excitement present in her soft tone.
''Market?'' Y/N repeated, and Anai replied with a nod,
''Why yes, market! You didn't walk out of this place ever since you came here, right? It will be good for you if you take a walk and go outside for a bit. Besides, I won't be lonely if you keep me some company.'' Anai said,
''Now, come with me!'' She added, dragging Y/N outside with her.

As soon as the two women stepped outside of the palace, warmth and sunshine greeted them. Y/N's lips curved up into a small smile as she followed the older lady. No words left their mouth as they went further away from the rich building, only to get closer to the lively streets and civilization. After few minutes of walking, the two of them found themselves in the noisy crowd, one Y/N knew quite well. However, it was slightly different this time - she didn't have to walk with her head lowered, she didn't have to listen to the faint rustling of her old chains and insulting whispers of other people, she didn't have to limit herself in fear of whip and a man... She was free of all those worries now. Her innocent, honest smile only grew as she observed many hardworking people chatting with each other and selling their properties. Young children chased each other, occasionally bumping into others, but their grins never faded away and their laughter never died down. These streets basically screamed with optimism at first glance.
But, Y/N's smile faded away as soon as she remembered what she went through, and what nightmares and hell she saw and called it her life. Deep, deep in the shadows, there were evil people hiding from the touch of light, their hearts and mind colored in pure black and darkness. Their wicked laughter suddenly echoed through her head and she glanced around, searching for any familiar face which kept her locked in cage. All of sudden, she felt nervous and afraid. She anxiously observed, but she found nothing other than the noisy, positive citizens. Her E/C eyes couldn't find any poor, bruised souls that forced themselves to walk, nor she could find a person who was under the dark spell of greed and lust.

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