Chapter 15: The Slayers Headquarters

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I woke up on a bed in a very small room, though the furniture here look amazing, almost fit for a princess. I got up to my feet and put my shoes back on, I could still feel the sharp pain in my chest, but I knew I would live anyway. I tried to open the door but it seems it was locked. "You have to be kidding me?...," I said to myself, I let out a sigh and stepped back, after a moment I merge towards the door and broke it down with one punch, "well that was easy....", I said. I got up and walked down the halls, I heard footsteps behind me and they started to get close, I quickly hide in a closet before they were able to see me but out of my curiously I peeked out a small hole to see what was going on. "She's gone!!!", one the men said. "How is that possible?! Joss took all her things even her wand," the other man said. They all came to a silent as a dark shadow block my way. I suddenly stepped back but notice left and started walking towards the men, "...She's escaped?....," he asked quietly but strongly, by the time I know it he's the leader. They were oblivious slayers, but I didn't know what they want with me though, after the men were talking they finally left. I stayed in the closet for a little longer just in case anyone else was there. I then finally got out and looked around, whoever this Joss person was, he must have been the one who knock me out, I had to find a way to get my things and return to grandfather before he knows I'm missing.

After looking a long while around the house, there was nothing, but within a single thought I knew this place was different, I looked out through the window and notice this area looked like a camp ground, without thinking I stepped out of the house and looked around. The area was clear and no one was in sight, I started to walk to this toolshed that was close by to see what they have, when I manage to brake the lock I open it and found my belongings. I was happy my wand was her, I thought I would have never find it. But I had another thing coming, I heard a snake of a twig behind me and turned back around fast, no one was in sight, but my senses was still on, someone was still here. I closed the shed and broke into a run heading to the huge that was in front of the house, I tried to pull them open but they wouldn't budge, "Going somewhere?," The voice said behind me. I heart was racing as I slowly started to turn to the boy who spoken, he was tall but very looking. near to my age to be exact, but his eyes......they looked like just the ones she encounter from before when Vlad wouldn't let her go. "....W-Who are you?", I demanded, "...My name is Joss......and I cannot allow you to leave....we need you here....", he said, I still couldn't trust him, "....and if I don't listen?...", I asked, "....Then I have no choice but to use forceful measures...", he said calmly, he might have been the smartest slayer I've ever seen since he was so calm but that's no reason to trust me since he's my kidnapper...I played it cool and stayed calm, I moved my hands behind me and grabbed the hidden danger that was in the side of my backpack, " and what army?", I taunted him, "Wicked......don't even don't know who your messing with", he said in a worry tone, "...funny...I should be saying that to you....", I quickly through the dagger at him at the speed of light, amazingly he manage to dodge but I was already at the top of the gate, I climb over and jumped to the ground and ran for my life I heard him screamed out my name but I ignored and never looked back and headed straight home....home...that's all I can think of on the way there...

Once I arrive I open the front door and rushed in with tears in my face, I locked the door fast behind me and startle up to my room, "Wicked..., " I stopped at the sound of my name and slowly turned back and saw grandfather with the most worried face I would have never seen. "...G-Grandfather...", I stutter as I choke on my own tears. He hold out his arms for a hug and I quickly ran into his arms for comfort as I slowly started to cry that made it felt like it's been hour, and before I knew it I fallen asleep and stay by my grandfather side.

By morning I was in my bed along with my grandfather sitting in my study chair watching me wide awake, "you finally woke up.....", he said, I looked down after hearing his words cause I was still scared, he got up and sat next to me and hug me once more. I hugged back and rested my head on him, "my child....what happened?....", he asked, I was at a loss for words and looked up at him and tried to explain as best as I can.

After explaining what happened grandfather nodded and then let go as he left my room, the atmosphere change in the room, for some reason, I felt like I was going to meet those slayers one day again. 

Book 1:The Damphyr Protector 8th Grade Sucks {Vladimir Tods Fanfic} [COMPLETED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ