A Note From The Author 1

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Hello! So I know there is at least one person who actually waits for this fic to be updated. (Probably only one person tbh) I am so sorry it has taken me so long to get this part out and I hope it is worth the wait. (?) I'm going to level with you, I've been totally out of my groove and my flow when it comes to writing just hasn't been there. I have tried to sit down and do this but I just keep losing momentum. Fun fact, I never really plan my writing (Can you tell?) and so when I do a new part I just sit down and write it. No plans, usually in one sitting. But I've decided to try and be more consistent in what I do so I've actually written a schedule for myself listing when I'm going to update. That schedule includes this fic and my two other originals that I have going at the moment. So hopefully this will make me commit to actually not being an asshole and updating once in a blue moon.

So basically I'm going to put up a few new parts in bulk over the next few days, but after that you can hopefully expect to see updates for this fic every Saturday. Expanding on the whole lack of planning thing, I do have a basic idea of where I'm taking this fic but I want to know what others hope to see in this story. So if you are someone who reads this when it comes out and is following it as I go, let me know what you think and share your ideas. I would be so grateful.

Sorry again for the wait. Thanks for reading. 


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