Part 1.

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17th of January.

Today was alright I suppse, I was alowed out of my cell for the first time. Its more that I'm in a prison then in a Mental Assylum. They've allowed me to write in a diary to document my events to see if my thinking pattern is actually going to change, But I don't feel any different. I take my medication every morning at 10:00am like I'm meant too.

I recieved a letter from my sister today It was my best friends birthday yesterday and I couldn't even say happy birthday. I feel so helpless in this place, because I can't do anything. But today seeing I was alowed to spend time outside of my sell, I it exactly 182 days untill my son's brithday and I have to make sure I am out of here by then.

Jesse Jones


18th of January

181 days today. I saw my phciotrist today. Apparently, I am making great progress and he actually is glad that I am writting a journal to keep record of what I've been doing during the day and keeping track of myself. I'm now alowed to go to the gym and play basket ball with the other institution members. I made a friend today also, His name is Corey and he's also 23. He has paranoia but he is also an awesome guy.

I think I might write more tomorrow. It is getting late and lights out is in 10 minutes.

Jesse Jones


19th of January

I was playing basketball with Corey and Johnno today ( Johnno is Corey's twin brother ) apparently they were both diagnosed with paranoia at a young age. And Johnno went to dunk the ball and kicked Corey and they ended up having this big fight, I was sitting there laughing untill the nurses came out and had to drug them both, Then I was made to go inside.

Today was the first say I met Laura. Laura is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. For some reason she doesn't even compare to my girlfriend, I know that sounds mean. But its true. Plus it's also been like 5 years since I've had any decent action.

Laura comes to play guitar for her sister because her sister use to play but ever since she was put in here she's never played anymore. I asked Laura for a go and for some strange reason she just smiled and handed me over the guitar. I played Here Without You by Three Doors Down and by the end of the songs I had a crowd of people wanting me to play more so I did.

I ended up playing more songs, but I have to go now. Right tomorrow.

Jesse Jones


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2010 ⏰

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