Invisible heroes

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At four I happily told everyone who would listen that as an infant I had been stolen away from my royal family in South America by gypsies and made to live with these "people".  Needless to say my parents were not impressed when they found out.  

Every year the story got a little spicier and the words to tell my story more complex.  By the time I reached high school I was battling beasts in the Amazon, rescuing my "real" parents (held in thrall by vampire gypsies so they couldn't have come for me)....imaginary me was a hero.

My imaginary persona was always so much more exciting and memorable than myself, so for a while there I settled for being unremarkable in the real world.  My complete averageness made it easy.  No one remembered me.  For all intensive purposes, I was invisible to the world and surfing Wattpad stories became my refuge.  That is until they came crashing into my life.  

I say crashing, because there's no other word that quite captures what happened so well.  One minute I was sitting on the subway, nose buried in my ereader, the next I was being knocked off my seat by two guys who were quietly but definitely arguing.  At first, I assumed they didn't notice me so, per my usual M.O. I just moved to another seat and resumed reading.  That's when I heard my name and realized these two fierce looking guys were arguing about me...and that they looked suspiciously like the gypsies from South America I'd imagined.  Imaginary me was about to collide with real me.




Invisible heroesWhere stories live. Discover now