4. Dysfunctional Family

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A/N: I know, it seems like I took forever to get this out...Writer's Block sucks, huh?  Anyway, I have another problem: after I finish this, I'd like to write a multi-chapter shonen-ai (boyXboy) story, but I don't know which of 5 couples I want to write about yet...If you want to have a say, I'm going to post a link to a poll on my message board, so check there, 'kay?


"No way," I said firmly, eying the bottle Ai held out to me with distrust.

She pouted, but drew it back to herself. I sighed as she lifted the open bottle to her lips, gulping down a mouthful. Part of me wondered if Yu and Kiro had had a secret agenda when they agreed to buy alcohol.

"Aren't you gonna at least try to stop them?" Bachiko asked as she appeared at my side. She frowned at the small, impromptu party in our apartment. Supposedly it was to celebrate our return to Seattle, but it was obviously just and excuse for Ai and Cho to drink.

I raised an eyebrow at my companion. "Good luck with that," I told her simply, shrugging.

Bachiko continued to frown at the party, her arms crossed over her chest. The two of us were the only ones not drinking, which wasn't really a surprise. Instead, we turned on the TV and tried to drown them out with Criminal Minds.

Fuji joined us, occasionally sipping from her first bottle. She seemed a little bored and tired; I assumed the latter was from driving across the country over the last few days. I yawned as I thought about it, wondering if I dared to nap with a bunch of drinking fools in the house.


Before I knew it, Bachiko, Fuji, and I were three episodes into Criminal Minds and Cho, leaning against the couch behind us, was slurring something about talking in her sleep. Bachiko's eyes lit up as she realized the others' state of drunkenness, and I swore internally. I could practically see evil schemes forming in her mind.

"Bachiko? What are you thinking?" I asked in a quiet voice as Kiro sang through his hiccups in the background.

"Nothing..." she tried, her voice far too sing-song to be anywhere near innocent.

I gave her a hard look, and she burst out laughing.

Next to me, Fuji set her beer down. She was still on the first bottle and completely lucid. I raised and eyebrow at her, and she gestured to the drunk idiots behind us.

"They're doomed," she explained, "I don't want to join them."

I nodded, understanding, and turned back to Bachiko in time to see her sneaking around the couch. I sighed, sitting back to watch the show.

"Hey," I heard her hiss, "You should make pie."

Not what I'd expecting, but at this point I should know better than to expect anything.

Ai, whose childish nature was exaggerated by the alcohol in her system, was immediately intrigued.

"What kind?" Fuji prompted, resting her chin on top of her hands on the back of the couch.

Bachiko grinned at her, mischief written all over her face.

"The kind that kills the president."

Fuji groaned. I facepalmed. Ai looked confused while Cho looked curious.

"What kind of pie is that?" Strify asked before anyone sober enough to stop him could do so. His brow was furrowed in innocent confusion, and the intoxicated flush on his cheeks offset the blue of his eyes. My eyes widened as I took in the adorable image, but I quickly shook it off.

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