Virgin Weirdo

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A person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster, that's the definition of a refugee. And I guess that's what I am... I mean if you wanna put a label on it. Don't ask me what I'm running from because I don't know. But I know it's something and I know it's bad, bad enough for dad to move us half way across the world to here, New York.

I came home from school one day to find my bags packed and our flights booked, no plan no discussion. I was angry, of course I was. And we tried to find out why, for weeks mum and I questioned him asking him to explain, but just kept telling us it was for the best, so eventually we gave up, dad can be stubborn when he wants to be. When it comes down to it we trust him, we just wish he trusted us enough to tell us what was going on.

'Ciara, you ready!' my mum called from the bottom of the stairs, 'your friends are outside!'

'Coming!' I call back as I take one last glance in the mirror, my brown hair hung in loses waves over my shoulders and I was wearing a metallic mini dress that Ashley lent me. I just moved at the start of the term, I guess I'm lucky to have made friends like Ashley, Courtney and Holly so soon. And their nice, I mean everyone has their faults but, their nice. We're going out tonight for Ashley's birthday, it's my first time ever going out to a real club – but I didn't tell them that obviously! I don't want my new friends ditching me because I'm a virgin weirdo do?

I slip on a pair of black stiletto heels (also Ashley's. I really need to go shopping!) and make my way down the stairs, and out the car waiting outside my house, the back door opens for me and I hop in.

'Nice!' exclaims the guy next to me looking me up and down approvingly. Suddenly I'm overly conscious of how short my dress is, I shuffle trying to move the hem more over my legs, so I don't feel as exposed.

I look up, Ashley is in the front next to some guy, and by the way she is all over him I'm guessing it's her boyfriend Chris she was telling me about at school. In the back there's me, the creep next to me and Courtney on some guys knee.

Ashley turns round to face us, 'Hey Ciara, you all set?'

'Yea' I reply excitedly

'Cool, this is Chris' she says putting her arm round the guy next to her (I was right), this is Dean, she gestures to the creep next to me, and they guy Courts is sitting on is Oliver.'

'Where's Holly' I ask craning my neck to make sure she wasn't doing something with some guy in the boot. Ashley shrugged, 'she couldn't make it '

'K' I nodded getting the hint not to push the matter anymore'

The club was amazing, brightly coloured lazar lights flashed in time to the music; I could feel the beat pulsing through my body like something electric forcing me to dance. I loved it. Ashley was dancing with Chris (well I say it was dancing but I'm not exactly sure that it was dancing, more like overly honey grinding) and Courtney was almost doing the same with Oliver.

Suddenly I felt hands grab my waist tight and pull me against them, I struggled and turned round, it was Dean 'get off me I tried scream over the music'

I couldn't tell if he heard me or not but it didn't stop him, I gripped me tighter, pressing my ass tighter to his crotch. I tried kicking him in the shins and lasing my arms back trying to hit him. It must have worked because he leaped back clutching his face, 'your fucking bitch' he yelled. The rest came over to see what was going on, 'what happened?' asked Ashley

'That slut hit me, that's what happened,'

'He was all over me!' what was I supposed to do I exclaimed in an attempt to defend myself. Ashley smirked, 'what so funny' I snapped, wasn't she going to stick up for me? Why does she find this so amusing, she's supposed to be my friend?

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