Prologue: The Attack

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Roger Ellis is a short, brown haired, brown eyed, 14 year old only child who is a smart thinker. He woke up from a long sleep and went to the kitchen where he found his mom making blueberry waffles with syrup for breakfast. His mom always made the most awesome breakfasts.

"Good morning darling, are you ready for breakfast?" His mom asked.

Roger replied with a smile "Good morning mom, I can't wait, you know that's my favourite".

His mom handed him his food with a smile, and Roger started eating but as he was about to take his last bite he noticed his bull terrier, Dexter on the corner of his eye. Roger could not resist his egg-shaped face staring at him with those tiny pig-like sunken eyes. Roger sneakily gave Dexter his last food under the table. He picked Dexter up off the street when he was just a puppy, he knew his parents wouldn't be happy but he promised to always take care of him and to this day he has kept his promise. Dexter and Roger were best friends, where possible they were always together. Dexter had your typical bull terrier physique with a stocky, muscular body, large radar ears and very strong jaws that could crush a bone in one chomp. He looked like he was always smiling, Roger believed he was, his constant wagging tail and growl-like talking made this clear. Dexter's clown personality could cheer anyone up on their saddest of days.

Roger went to go say good morning to his father in the garage, with Dexter in tow nudging him to play as he grabbed his toy rope and hopped around like a goat.

"Hi dad" said Roger.

His father looked up and stepped away from the car he was working on. "Good morning son, what do you think of the car so far?" Steven was busy rebuilding a Ford Cortina Mk III. He bought it from a scrap yard for next to nothing, but once done it will be worth a lot. That is how he made a living, even though it was more of a hobby.

"It's awesome, but we were supposed to work on it together" he replied.

"I'm terribly sorry I couldn't help it but when you get back from school you can help me sand this bonnet. How does that sound?"

"I can't wait but I really have to go get ready for school, bye." Roger dashed out and grabbed his school bag, greeted his mom and left for school.

When he arived at Rafington High he headed towards his first class of the day, Science, his favourite subject. He passed through the long narrow corridor covered in pictures drawn by the grade one's. His class was at the far end of the hallway, he passed all the grade one's and two's lining up for there first class and finally made it to his class. His teacher, Miss Morgan, had long brown hair and blue eyes, was waiting behind her desk for everyone to settle. She was very tall, thin and wore glasses. He liked her, she was kind and never shouted. The classroom was covered in colourful posters on the wall. On his desk there was an engraving of a bone that he didn't draw and a drawing of a wolf in tippex, with the writing 'Jaydon loves Ricale' next to it in black marker. There was a book shelf next to him filled with novels and encyclopedias.

"Open your books on page 92, today we will be constructing a miniature crane" Miss Morgan stated with a calm and friendly voice. She gave Roger a grin and continued, "your crane must consist of at least 3 light setups, at least one electrical system and must be able to lift a load."

Immediately Roger knew what he was going to build. He would have a long line of lights along the top of the crane with the electrical components in the base of the crane, then he would make a small container and connect it to the crane.

RING RING... the bell interrupted his train of thought.

"Dang that is the bell for the next class" he whispered to himself. Roger didn't want to go, he was enjoying himself but unfortunately all good things have to come to an end. His next class was not his favourite... History. Rogers class was quite big, a class of 31 learners.

Roger wondered if his history teacher would notice his absence. The other students surely wouldn't as he didn't have any friends. He often wondered if anyone even knew his name. He figured there was no point in being there if he didnt want to be. He slipped out unnoticed and walked to the bathroom. He planned on hiding there until the end of the lesson. Nobody would find him there, that bathroom was hardly used unless it was during sport practice after school as it was at the far end of the school across the field. Roger pulled out his phone, put his earphones in and listened to some rock music as he waited for time to pass.

He looked at his watch and realised he was about to miss his next class. As he emerged from the bathroom he noticed something was wrong. He was surprised to find that the school was silent. Normally the hallways resonate the hustling and bustling of the students motioning towards the next class, but for some reason this time it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. He cautiously investigated the rest of the school, but he could find no-one. It was abandoned. Desks were turned onto their sides and school bags, books and stationery were strewn across the floor.

"What on earth happened here?" He said to himself. He decided to take a look outside to see if possibly some students were gathered there but none were. Roger started sobbing in fear as he headed home, praying his mom and dad were okay and maybe even had some answers for him.

About half way home he found that all the buildings were deserted and he didn't see any people or cars driving by. This was extremely strange. When his house was finally in sight he noticed the front door was open and a window was broken. His home had a big 'welcome' mat by the front door and the white house had a large garden with a huge tree in the yard with a rope swing tied to one of its branches. He started running towards his house with hope but as he got closer things were looking more grim. The house was covered in black marks and dirt. The rope swing was gone and the welcome mat was in the drive way. Roger started shaking as he shouted for his parents.

"MOM! DAD! WHERE ARE YOU?!" There was no answer. As he stepped inside the front door he shouted again. He heard something in the distance. As the noise got louder, he realised it was his dog. Dexter came running with his tail between his legs and jumped up on him, shaking furiously. Roger was relieved to see his best friend. He wasn't alone. Maybe there was hope his parents were still alive. He searched the house but no-one was found. His parents were gone. As he headed towards his room he heard a noise coming from his cupboard. The closer he got, the louder the sound became. He nervously placed his hand on the handle and slowly turned the door knob. The cupboard door creaked as it opened slowly. The noise stopped. All he could hear was the creak but as he peaked inside he fell to the floor and everything went black...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2016 ⏰

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