Escorts and Housewives - Bruce Wayne x Reader

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Prompt: You are a high class escort when you meet Bruce Wayne. He helps you get out of the business to start a new life. Little did you know that you would come to want that life to include him.

Life sucks and times are hard. The job pool in Gotham is all dried up and you weren't about to let yourself scrape desperately at the pool in an attempt to find a hint of a job. You had student debt. You had bills to pay.

In your desperation you turned to the oldest profession in the world: prostitution. You caught the eye of a high class escort "manager" as you were walking through the financial district after another disappointed job interview. He offered you a sum of cash with the promise of more if you turned up later that night to "do a couple of jobs" for him. You were desperate so you did what he said and soon enough you found yourself working as a escort to the wealthiest men (and sometimes women) in Gotham. It wasn't always about sex, sometimes you were hired simply to be arm candy at a wedding or party for some lonely executive. Unfortunately though you found yourself being paid for your body more often than not. It paid your bills until you could find something better.

Eventually the economy did improve and you were offered a nice honest entry level job at a corporation downtown. When you tried to quit you manager pitched a fit and swore he would tell any employer that tried to hire you that you were a prostitute. He yelled and screamed that no one would want a whore working for them. You believed him. You felt yourself backed into a corner and stuck in a job you had no intention of keeping.

The night you met Bruce Wayne you were working out of the bar that your manager had a special agreement with. Some of the girls would come by the bar to flirt and pick up new or existing clients. It was good for both businesses so no one batted an eye.

You spotted Bruce Wayne from across the bar. You sauntered over and sat next to him and pulled out all of your charm. He was very sweet and receptive but didn't seem like he was all that interested.

You were about to cut your losses and excuse yourself when he asked "So how much do men usually pay for your time?" He asked taking a sip of his scotch. You tried not to look surprised at how quickly he caught on. It usually took a little longer for first time clients to understand the situation.

You tell Bruce honestly how much you time costs. He nodded and pulled more money than you usually make on a good night and placed it in your palm.

"For wasting your time." He smiled before getting up and leaving the bar, throwing down a couple more bills as a tip for the bartender. Looking down at the money in your hands you realize that you met your quota and could go home for the night. You gave your manager his cut and made your way home.

Bruce becomes a patron whenever he comes across you but never asks you to do anything or join him for the night. He just gives you a clip of money and walks away. You couldn't help but to wonder what game he was playing at.

Your manager catches onto what was happening when you met your quota even before the night even began. He informs you need to work the entirety of your shift even if Bruce pays you a visit.

One night Bruce stops to talk to you. He asks you why you continue to do this night after night. You give him an honest answer. You tell him that you have to continue working the night even if he pays you. It's your "manager's" orders.

"How much for a night?" He asks you. You give him the number and he places the required money plus some into your hand. "Come on, I'm going to take you away from here." He leads you to his car and you dutifully follow. He starts the car and begins to drive out of the city and towards his house.

"Are you sure you don't desire anything, Mr. Wayne?" You purr rubbing the inside of his thigh. He paid for a night of your undivided attention so it was your job to make sure he was satisfied. His grip tightened against the steering wheel.

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