For Taylor

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I'm so sorry it took me so long to write this. I hope you like it (: xoxo

Shawn! What the fuck is wrong with you? What did I do to ever deserve this? I've done nothing but love and support you through everything  and this is how you repay me? Honestly I'm about done with your games. I thought you loved me and always had my back uhm what happened  to that? We use to always be there for eachother and now the one time you go on tour you decide to sleep with some other girl?!!

   "Taylor please!" Shawn said as he walked closer to you "Stop yelling"
"THE FUCK!" I began  "Don't tell me to stop yelling ,and stop coming closer to me I don't want you near me Shawn! You broke my heart"

Shawn continued to walk towards me and all i could do is scoot back each time he did.

"TAYLOR! STOP!" Was all Shawn said and i got quiet "I'm sorry okay. I've told you a million time IM.SORRY! Okay I know what I did was stupid but I was lonely I had nobody. Taylor you have to believe me I love you so much I never meant to hurt you"

"Get out"  was all I said as I pointed to our front door.

"What?" Shawn said

You heard me GET OUT! Get your shit and GET OUT! I don't want to see you ever again Shawn, you knew I was always awake waiting for your call because I understood that you were lonely and you knew that all you had to do was call me but you barely did. You barely called me and when you did it was only for a brief second. And don't forget that  I was lonely too  but I didn't go sleeping with other guys! While you were gone.

"FINE! I'll leave! If that is really what you want" was all Shawn said as he walked out the door with the bags I had already packed him

*6 months later*

Ever since me and Shawn broke up I've been nothing but a wreck. I look gross I barely get out of bed all I think about is Shawn. I miss him so much I went to visit him one day and some girl answers and when I told her who she was she mentioned she was his girlfriend ...Shawn moved on ...but I never did and it kills me to think back on that day we split.


I'm sorry if this totally sucks! I'm kind of sick today and don't feel the best so if you don't like it please tell me so I can rewrite it to your liking. I want all my readers to be 100% satisfied with my work

(A/N) I just made a new Instagram for my boo go follow me @ shawdy.mendes

LIKECOMMENTFOLLOW                                     Love y'all a bunch xoxo

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                                  Love y'all a bunch xoxo

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