Chapter 14

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“Hello Derek. I would say that’s it’s a pleasure to see you again, but you and I both know that’s not true.”As I was giving him the fakest smile in the world, I could see that his eyes were filled with happiness. Quite surprising coming from him don’t you think? I was expecting some more, how should I say, a Jersey Shore drama?

This morning when I woke up, with a terrible hangover and no recalls of what had happened other then getting drunk, I might add. I decided to just go and see Chasity right away.

“Tessa, Drake. You both are here to see Chasity as I presume? Come right inside my humble home.”He guided us into the living where he motioned us to seat on the leather sofa.

“I’ll go get Chasity, and some beverages while I’m at it.”He said in a chirpy voice.

“Tessa, is it just me or is there something very wrong with him?” Drake quietly whispered into my left ear.

Something was off about Derek. I mean sure this could all be an act, but still. It was like he was an entirely different person. The sincerity in his eyes though. I’m just over thinking things right now.

“You guys shouldn’t be here. Oh God, I miss you guys so much.”Chasity ran towards us with open arms.

“I ran out of snacks kids, I’m going to the store and will be back in half an hour. Make yourself at home.” And then there were three.

“You’re coming home with us Chasity!”Drake started to scream at her, giving her a bunch of over protected brotherly speeches.

But Derek though, the sincerity in his voice.

“I can’t just leave my own father Drake! Not when he needs me the most! He’s very ill right now.”Chasity screamed in her defence.

“He’s a fucking lunatic who needs a trip to the crazy house.”

I was tired of them screaming back and forth. I had come on this trip to try to convince my sister to come back home, not have her ignore us for life.

“Chasity, what do you mean by ill?” I could see the look in Drake’s eye. He probably thought I was crazy for even asking her that question, in return I elbowed his ribs making him shut up.

“It’s kind of hard for me to explain.”

“We got all the time that you need.” I took her hand, squeezing them, letting her know that no matter what, her big sister will always be there for her.

“I was curious, about Derek I mean. I questioned myself, how could he do something so terrible with no emotions intact. So I did some digging myself. After looking through all the facts, it had hit me hard. My dad isn’t a bad guy, he really isn’t. He was diagnosed with the PTSD, also known as post traumatic stress disorder, that’s why he left the army. Eventually that PTSD, lead him onto the road of depression. With the whole mom won’t ever love him as much as he loved her back situation. This eventually triggered him into becoming bipolar. I convinced him to go to the doctor, where they confirmed my theory. He knew this great doctor who could possibly cure him up here, that’s why we moved. I don’t know exactly what yet, but I know that there is definitely some other mental illness that he has, the doctors just don’t know yet. Maybe a multiple personality disorder?”

“Mom really misses you Chasity. I know what you’re doing is great, but what if he hurts you?”

“I would never hurt her.” Another voice joined in.

I looked at the other side of the room to see Derek holding a bag. “I would never hurt my only pride and joy, I would kill myself if I did.”

“My mother was once your pride and joy, you ended up hurting her.” Drake hissed, while I tried to hold him back before both of us got stuck sitting in jail cells.

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