Dear Parents

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haha I'm so behind on this.

Dear Mom:

Okay. I guess I'll be nice and do some heartwarming good child shit, okay? (Hey, at least you won't read this. You'd be so disappointed in me xD)

I want you to know, I really do appreciate how much you do for us, even though I'm always a brat.  Raising four kids on your own I know wasn't easy, and I have to say you did a pretty good job with us. Honestly, we're both just really stubborn and opinionated people, and I guess that's why we fight so much.  Our family...everyone in it acts like conceited know it alls, so that's why family reunions are interesting, to say the least.  I understand that you're just trying to keep us from making mistakes, one's possibly you've made, or seen others made, and then when you see us on the road towards those mistakes, you get pissed. I would too. 

But, I really am thankful for what you've done for us.  Even though there are times when I really don't like you, I will always love you, even though I know I don't say it enough.

Love, Your Daughter <3

Dear Dad;

Go fuck yourself with a knife, I hate you.



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