3.) A Note In My Locker

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Welcome, to the rebirth of hell! Glad you're here tonight.


Gah, where's my homework? I thought I had it in my backpack. Francis rifles through his bag. One of the straps hanging off and turned towards him, the other strap was draped across his right shoulder. It's barely been a minute and he's already had enough with this hazardous walking-and-checking. He huffs in defeat and speed walks the rest of the way to his locker.

Francis gazes over the numbers above until he finds his own locker, number 265. Quickly spinning his lock in a haste, he pulls open his little red nightmare of a door. He shuffles through a bunch of chaotic papers and assignments that have managed to pile up over the past week. He would have to clean through it again, on Friday.

He leafs through the smaller pages, then looks through a couple of notes left inside for him. He and his friends like to write random, dumb notes, some super inappropriate, and slip them into each other's metal dumpsters throughout the day.

Francis desperately tries to push his bangs out of his face, but they've refused to listen to reason ever since they've escaped his pony tail. He sighs, "Mon Dieu, there's too much junk. I swear to crap if my paper's not in here." He digs again in his mess only to notice another note written in pretty cursive. He hums to himself as he picks it up and unfolds it.

"Hello Franny, I realize that this might seem sudden but I take this relationship isn't quite working out. I sense we're too different from each other to really go any further than we are, so I gather we should break up. I'd advise not to contact me again. Condelences, Arthur."

Pretty cursive that continuously sews a line between the words, between the letters, fancy and over the top vocab, actual letter paper. Of course it screams Arthur.

Francis reads it. And he rereads it. He rubs his palm into his eyes. Another read, just to make sure. Okay.

Arthur wants... to break up with me?

There's a burning in Francis' chest as he slips the note into the pocket of his sweatshirt.

Francis slams his locker closed and hefts his backpack onto his shoulders properly. He exits the school, hallways already empty from the kerfuffle of students who also had an early release. Francis starts on his way home while checking the contacts in his messenger app. He ignores the one with a cute selfie of him and Arthur. Instead, he went straight to the one with an albino making a cheeky duck face.

It doesn't even take him a minute to type out a text.

Messages: @FrannyFrancis, @GilIAm

[1:56] FrannyFrancis: Hey i think arthur just broke up with me

[1: 59] GilIAm: what
[2:00] GilIAm: dude
[2:00] GilIAm: wow
[2:00] GilIAm: Dude cOME OVER

[2:01] GilIAm: FrannyFrancis: OK

He watches Gil struggle to type something until finally the 。。。goes away.

[2:03] GilIAm: Bro, howd it happen tho?

[2:04] FrannyFrancis: He put a note in my locker

[2:04] GilIAm: Well
[2:04] GilIAm: I mean..
[2:04] GilIAm: At least it wasn't text, right?

[2:05] FrannyFrancis: I guess

Francis blows at his unruly hair and takes notice of the street around him. The neighbourhood's giant greeting fountain bubbling in the shade of a tree. The Extra™️ house is putting out their new monthly decorations for Christmas, a balloon santa being filled to bursting. Miss Ede's cat Kyle lays out in the sun on His bench and licks away at his coat. Francis' feet are shaking. He finds that he's already walked the extra three blocks to his mate's house.

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