Chapter 3 - The Propagation of Sound

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Chapter Three

The Propagation of Sound

“Adrian…?” Sophie almost whispered, caught between surprise and confusion.

“I like it when you say my name,” he teased, “though I could probably go without that faint touch of disappointment.”

“I-I thought it was Mark…” She didn’t really know what else to say. Why was he calling her?

“Yeah, obviously. Sorry to disappoint you, by the way.” And although his tone of voice was still one of amusement, like always, he seemed to become more serious when he spoke again, “You know, if you want to make a point get through to him, you probably shouldn’t answer his future calls with that much enthusiasm. It shows off your neediness. It’s pretty embarrassing.”

“Thanks, once again, for your terrific and hurtful advice that I still did not ask for.” The truth was, it was kind of pathetic, but he didn’t have to be so honest about it. “Let me repay the favor by giving you some advice: that’s not the right way to talk to a girl.”

“What way?”

“That monstrous, slightly offensive, bluntness.”

“What, you don’t like honesty?”

“I love honesty-“

“There you go.”

“But there is such a thing as ‘kind honesty’.”

“That’s for cowards and pansies that need sugarcoating. You can handle it, no?”

“If, by that, you mean I can put up with your rudeness, then yes, I can definitely handle it.”

“You call it rudeness, I call it the truth – and the truth hurts.”

“You must be a real hit with the ladies.”

“Actually, I am,” he replied, in what seemed like genuine sincerity, “must be my devastating good looks.”

“Sure.” She rolled her eyes.

“You don’t believe me?”

“No.” She laughed. “I can’t see you. For all I know you can be an ogre with a deceivingly charming voice.”

“You like my voice, huh?” He smiled and she felt like slapping herself for letting it slip. “Well, believe it or not, I don’t have problems in the ladies’ department. Apparently, you can tell a woman anything if you say it in a sexy enough way.”

Sophie scorned. “Yeah, right. Good luck with that.” She rolled her eyes once again.

“Why the attitude? I mean, just look at yourself, you’re the living proof of what I just said.”

“Excuse me?” she asked in bewilderment. She could tell she was going to feel insulted in a moment.

“It’s true. Your ex-boyfriend treats you like shit, yet you still hold the phone in pathetic hope that he may call you, instead of just wishing him good riddance. I bet you think he’s hot, huh?”

She was right, she did feel insulted.

“Excuse me?” she repeated, “Who the hell do you think you are to go around judging me and my whole gender? I think you’re confusing being shallow with caring. I care about my boyfriend, so yeah, I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt. Sorry about that. You know what mine, and many other women’s, real problem is? We believe what you guys tell us. That’s how stupid we are. When guys tell us they care for us, we actually believe them. Imagine that. And who are men to talk about shallowness – you guys can’t see a butt in a skirt without your little junior getting all excited.”

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