Chapter 1: I was not ready....

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Hey guys,  this is a short story about how you never mess with little cousins.... 


"BAEEEEEEE!!!!!" I screamed, looking for R.J in the school hallway. 

    Kids were staring at me but I didn't really care.  I just needed to find Ray, I was confessing my feelings to him today. He had been my friend for quite a while and had grown on me. Who wouldn't want to be with him?  I mean he's Why do I like him?  Oh well. I guess that little crush is over then. Don't get me wrong he's the best but I think I just like him as my sarcastic bae burrito. 

Anyway I think Amy likes him anyway.  She's so sweet. 

As I walked down the hall looking for Ray to tell him how silly he was and that he needed to marry Amy, I had bumped into my little cousin Janell. 

"Oh,  hey Janell have you seen R.J?  I've been looking for him for a bit. " I asked her leaning on the lockers next to us. 

"No, why?  Do me and the girls have to jump him again?  Cause we will...  We will tare up ALL of his band t-shirts and break all of his CD's throw away all of his knifes and we wi--"

"JANELL!! That won't be needed. Um,  have you seen him?"

"No but I did see Jordan and that new German kid fighting."  She said like she was telling me the plainest thing in tho world. 

"Jordan who?"  The only jordan I could think of was the one in my math class, and it was too weird to think about him picking fights. 

"Creadle? I don't know but there yelling at each other." She shrugged. 

"Okie.... Well,  I'm going to see if R.J is outside by the bleachers.  He's back there sometimes.  I'll see you later Janny."  I waved at her as I made my way outside the back doors of the school to find Ray. 


"Ray?.." I called out as I peaked behind the bleachers. 

The wind whipped in my face so I held my hoodie tighter to my body. It had snowed the day before. I could feel the leftover snow underneath my shoes.

As I peaked behind the bleachers the sight before me left me frozen in my spot. The scene I was seeing was something I wished to be removed from my mind forever. 

Once I found myself able to move,  I darted my way back into the school,  rushing past children and into the girls bathroom. 

I slid down the bathroom wall breathing hard. All that I could think was that I wasn't ready... 


To be continued...

What was our young Ray doing behind those bleachers?  Can you guess?


I wanna know what you think.  ;) leave a comment and hit me with a vote my lovelies.

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