Chapter 43

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Gen instinctively knew the basics of dolphin life, but had to be taught dolphin culture as if she were a year-old calf; and like a youngster, she had to practice her lessons often to learn them well. 

With dolphins only half her size, she practiced hunting techniques, such as herding mullet into shallow coves, then circling the school and closing ranks like a drawstring purse to trap the fish at the center.  

She mastered defensive and high-speed formation swimming; how to watch for the shift in the dark and light markings of the lead dolphin's fins that signal which way he will turn or dive. 

She learned that Little Squirt-who was no longer called Little, but just Squirt-would be old enough at summer's end to go on a vision quest to discover his True Name. He would then return to announce to the pod his self-given name, before swimming away to join a far-ranging group of bachelors, seeking new bloodlines to mate with. 

She discovered a subtle and complex body-language of postures and gestures. Some were used in everyday life; others only in sacred dances. The pod's story-keepers danced and sang of dolphin history tracing back to the age when sea mammals stood upright and roamed the primeval shores. One legend told of a pure white sea tern named Mother-of-Forms who could change into a dolphin or any other animal. The bird flew from the glacial north to the frozen south, collecting a tiny breath from every living thing until it had gathered enough wind to carry it up beyond the blue sky, to reach the stars. 

The changing tides flowed on. The moon had been full when Gen left her human life; now the moon was full again. 

A part of her still longed for Cade; that was a wound the Abundance could not heal. But she chose not to dwell on her sorrow, for time was running out. The Abundance teeming inside her created irregular and nearly uncontrollable energy surges, pushing from within toward the final change. 

Races-the-Waves swam near her in the clear water, gesturing protection and pride. He drew closer and let his flukes caress Gen's bulging belly. In her womb, growing quickly day by day, was their baby. Gen had accelerated the growth-rate of the fetus, because she could not leave the baby dolphin inside her body when she entered her ultimate metamorphosis. 

Moon Catcher, mother of Sparkleface, had promised to adopt and nurse the newborn. Gen's farewell gift to Races-the-Waves and her pod would be to birth her baby dolphin before she left the ocean and the planet forever. For she now tasted and knew, beyond doubt, the Abundance was bound for the stars.

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