She Speaks!!!

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Chapter 5

*Liam's POV*

I had picked out "Toy Story 3" and was watching it with no name. I'll have to learn her name soon. I love this movie and I am so glad she said she would watch a movie with me. Well she nodded her head, and that meant yes. It was about halfway through the movie and I felt the bed move a little. I looked over at her and she had fallen asleep.

Wow she looks really pretty when she sleeps. Well she always looks pretty but she looks really relaxed and calmed. I noticed I had a smile on my face. Snap out of it Liam. This isn't good. You shouldn't be thinking like this. But she seems so wonderful. But also Harry does seem like he has some sort of feelings for her. That's why he wanted her and only her. Plus I have seen some pretty cute girls around here lately so I should be fine.

As I had an argument inside my head with myself I felt myself start to drift asleep. I could've left for my room but I just didn't want to get up. I was too tired. So I fell asleep.


I felt the bed start to shake a little. I wasn't sure what it was so I ignored it. Until I heard harsh scared breathing. I opened my eyes and alerted my attention to the girl beside me. I could tell she was having a dream but all of a sudden she screamed out "No!!" She had just spoken. Now I knew she could speak.

Before I knew it she sat up gasping for air. I reassured her that it was just a bad dream. She didn't say anything but was totally freaked out. Her dream must have been really bad because I have never seen someone so terrified. I knew I needed to tell the others that she had just spoke so I grabbed her and ran out to the living room.

*Tosh's POV*

I had just had my first nightmare in years and was now sitting on the living room couch after being rushed out by Liam. "Guys!!! Everyone out in the front room!" Liam yelled. That freaked me out. My dad was always yelling like that. "Sorry" I looked up and Liam was sitting beside me apologizing, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I then heard 4 doors open up. I was suddenly in a room with 4 more sleeping guys. Those 4 including Harry. I hate Harry. "Why'd you yell for us?" asked Niall. "Yeah I was having a dream," said Louis. "And I hate waking up," Zayn stated. Harry stayed silent. Good I didn't want to hear him talk.

"She spoke," Liam said. I was suddenly met with 10 eyes. I looked at Liam obviously confused. When had I talked? I haven't talked in almost 8 years? "She had a bad dream and was screaming and talking in her sleep." I remembered my dream. It was horrible. "So she can talk," Harry whispered while still looking at the ground. "Well come on love, I wanna hear you talk now," Said Niall. Maybe I wont have to if I just keep silent. "We're not leaving until you do," stated Zayn. Damn it.

I finally realized that I would have to. But I haven't done that in 8 years. I haven't heard my voice in forever. What if it sounds horrible. What if I don't know how to talk. That's crazy. I talk to myself in my head all the time. And I am tired so if I just talk the faster I can go to bed. Well I hope.

Okay, here it goes..." I'm not allowed to," I whispered quietly hoping they wouldn't hear me. Harry looked up though, so of course they did. Louis then asked, "Who told you that?" "My dad," I answered. "When?" Zayn asked. "8 years ago," I stated quietly. I know I am not saying much but what do you expect? "And you haven't spoke in 8 years?" Harry asked. I didn't want to answer to Harry so I just shook my head. "Why did he say that? And why'd you listen?" Asked Harry. Gosh I guess I am going to converse with him and get it over with. "Because he didn't want to know I was there and if I did speak he would hurt me." Wow. I have never told anyone that. I looked up when I heard no response and saw that all of their faces had guilt written all over them. "We didn't know that," Harry said. "Nobody did." I responded.

(Hey!!! So yeah in this chapter she actually spoke!! Do you think Harry is going to get mad or is going to feel really bad? I know I left a cliffhanger. But come on. I have to think what I am going to do next. I think I am going to do the next chapter in Harry's POV. So you get to hear what he thinks about her and everything happening. Maybe he will be a little jealous of Liam and her being together. You will most likely get to hear her name in the next chapter!!! Yay!! So please read and vote! Also please leave a comment!!! Thanks Guys!!! <3 xxRosy

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