Dumbass.-Chapter 3: Strange Fever

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Beep. Beep.

I groaned waking up. I moved my hand over to the other side searching for Amy's body. I sat up with one eye open seeing she wasn't there. I looked around the room seeing her no where. I got out of the bed amd went into the bathroom seeing she wasn't there. I then searched the whole house finding no trace of her. It didn't even have any smell of her. I went back to the room and felt something weird. I began to hear screaming and things being knocked over.

"I don't need here, I am better off alone. She drives me nuts anyway!"I punched a wall not even feeling it. I looked up at the breathing heavy. "I-I don't love her either! Its about time I found a new one anyway!"I yelled looking at my bloody hand. "Fuck!"I yelled feeling the pain. Not the pain of the hand but of my heart. I took off my shirt and wrapped it around my knuckles before leaning onto the wall getting that numb feeling that I hate with passion. I slid down the wall.

"I don't need her, I don't need her! She's a waste of space!"I yelled before I broke down crying. I picked up my beer bottle and started to drink some more. "I do love her and I miss her!"I cried drinking some more. "Damn it, Damn it. I love you, Amy!"I yelled before everything disappeared.

I face palmed feeling stupid. That was two weeks after she left when I realized she wasn't coming back for real. "I just hate you all."I mumbled going to run the shower. My phone went off as I walked to the bathroom door. I picked it up putting it to my hear happy to hear her voice.

How did you get my number?

Are you happy, now?

Yeah, actually just by the sound of your voice.

You are willing to have a belieber's heart broken just so you can try to get a woman who wants nothing to do with you?

Boy belieber, Amy.

Your sick, you need help, Justin.

Yeah, I know I don't feel to well, why don't you come to my hotel room and make me feel better.

Justin, don't ruin our wedding. Just stop please. Your only going to hurt yourself at the end. Scooter is right, Justin. It's only going to get worse if you interfere with me and him. Please, do the right thing and forget about me like you been have.

No, its not going to be okay! I love you, Amy. All these years I have been a wreck. You make me well, alive Amy. You do this to me.

Please stay away.

Amy, this hurts a lot.

How do you think I felt that day you out of all people hurt me? Its part of life. You date, you fall, you get hurt, you move on. Life.

That's it, I can't move on, not from you. Amy, you don't get it. I love you way to much and I regret everything.

Justin, you just want something you can't have and once you have it you turn to something else. I'm not a toy and neither is my heart. Please, stop.

The tone of your voice right now kills me. You already hate me for what I did so now you can't love me anymore until you hurt me as much as I did to you. I was actually hurt more than you, Amy. You slipped out of my hand and I couldn't find you and you, you just disappeared. Your getting married while I'm waiting on that moment for god to let me see you again.

Justin, if you thought I was just going to sit there and wait on you to come back I would be old and gray. M-O-V-E O-N. Move on, Justin. I found the love of my life and now we are happy together. For once someone loves me, Justin. Please don't ruin it.

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