Running from the Devil: Short Story

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You don't see the big, strong, muscular, tall, brown eyes, black hair man behind you. He yells out your name, you slowly turn, frightened to see his face. As soon as you've made a complete 180 degree turn, he sreams! You scream! He runs towards you yelling at you to stop screaming, turn around and stop screaming. By now you have turned back around and started running. You don't stop, all your thinking is 'Run! Run! Run! Don't let him catch me. Ru...' Your thoughts are interupted when he yells out "Turn around! If you don't right now, your sure to be sorry when I catch you!" You're about out of breath, panting, about to faint, right there, right then. All the sudden, you heat his voice getting closer, louder too. All you want to do is just get home to your safely. But once're about to faint and all you can think is 'Run!'

 You wake up in the hospital and learn that you did faint, and hit your head on a huge rock. The man that was chasing, you now know is named Zach, jumped after you but missed both you, and the rock. When he missed, he rolled into Lake Senity, the lake you would've rolled in if you didn't hit the rock. Zach passed away in the lake. You roll over in bed and see your worried mom, watching the heart monitor. You lost a lot of blood before and after they found you, still asleep, by Lake Senity. You pass away later that night, and on your way to heaven, you see Zach waiting at the doors of hell.

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2012 ⏰

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