Chapter 1

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Lady Elizabeth Fairfax was hiding. She didn't want to be found at any cost. After all, if she lost, she would have been the one to find everyone hiding for the next two days. Yes, Lady Elizabeth was not trying to escape any criminals or fiends, she was just playing hide and seek with a few children. 

Lady Elizabeth, or rather Lizzy, was the only daughter of the Marquess of Winchester. Her mother had died giving birth to her but her father had never allowed her to feel a mother's absence or love in her life. The Marquess had loved his wife and when she died, all that love transferred to his daughter. Lizzy was lavished with affection and mostly unpunished for her transgressions. As a result, no one could accuse her of behaving like a perfect eighteen year old English lady. She spent most of her day outside playing with small children and running through the gardens. She would listen to no one except her dear papa. And her dear papa only encouraged all her activities. "You only live once," the marquess would say if asked why he didn't discipline his daughter. 

"Lizzyy, Lizzyyy, LIZZYYYY!!!!" 

Panicked voices broke through Lizzy's thoughts. Lizzy did not bother to answer since she knew it was a ploy to find her hiding place. She yawned and crouched up to a small ball. Would it do any harm to sleep a little? Not finding any reason not to, our Lizzy slept, oblivious that her whole life was to change.

                                                           * * *

Lizzy woke after a satisfying nap. She stretched her arms and looked out of her hiding place. She saw that the sun was setting and the whole sky had turn orangish red. She basked in the lovely glow of setting sun and slowly made her way towards her home. She smiled slyly to herself. No one could find her in her hiding place. All of the children must have accepted defeat and went to their respective homes as always. It had become a routine of sorts. They would play hide and seek, she would hide in her private little hiding place, take a little nap, return to home, dine with her father and then play a game of chess with her father. Rather, losing a game of chess with father. She increased her pace in anticipation. 

She was out of breath by the time she reached. 

"Where were you Miss Elizabeth?" asked the butler with thinned lips. "All of us searched for you to tell you the news but you were not found despite our best efforts."

Elizabeth just grinned for she knew under the pompous exterior hid a heart of gold. But intsead of a softening of expression that she had expected, his expression grew grimmer. It got Elizabeth a little worried and she ventured to ask, "What news did you want to tell me, Denton?"

"It is your father...."

Elizabeth ran to her father's room not even allowing Denton to complete his sentence. 

"Father?" she asked hesitantly to the still unmoving figure on the bed. She noticed dimly that doctor Brimmings was also present there.

"Ah, Lizzy. Come here dear. I have to give important last minute advice."

"Father! Why are you speaking as if.. as if..." Lizzy hiccuped unable even to form the thought. 

The marquess held Elizabeth's hand and said with great difficulty, "Lizzy, I have never tried to suffocate your natural exuberance or forced to do you anything that you do not like. God knows that I have only encouraged you in your all unconventional activities. But the world will not be kind to you, dear. I am not telling you to fear the world, quite the contrary. Never cower to any of the vultures outside. Be yourself and never change Lizzy. Promise me."

"Father.. father please, please don't leave me. I have only you,' Lizzy sobbed.  

"Lizzy, promise me, promise that you will be happy, always, Promise!"

"P...promise father. I.. I will be always happy. Your Lizzy will not ever change. FATHER! PAPAAAAA!!!!!" Lizzy screamed as she watched the last vestiges of life slipping away from her father.

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