I've Been Tagged

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That's my reaction when I get tagged by people. So, as you must know I was tagged by TheBlackFlowerofSin.

1. What is your favorite color? Black

2. Do you have a crush on someone? Yes

3. What is your favorite fandom? Uh...I can't choose...there are so many

4. What is your hair color? Dark brown/black

5. Any fact about yourself? I used to have a disease when i was younger that I couldn't speak at all.

6. Do you have a fictional crush? Heck yeah!

7. Have you kissed someone before? Maybe...

8. What is your eye color? Light brown

9. Magic or science? Science since science is awesome! (In my opinion)

10. Favorite foods? Waffle or pumpkin pie...hm...why not both! *drools*

11. Favorite place? My room or some other places where it isn't too crowded

12. What are you doing right now? I'm writing this when I'm supposed to be doing my homework

13. Do you have a younger or older siblings or none? I have two younger sisters in real life

14. Fast food or homemade food? Homemade food

15. Another fact about yourself? I'm a goth-emo/tomboyish person

Now that's done it's time for me to tag some people!

People that I tagged:


Alrighty, since those people have been tagged here is the rule

1. Repost the rules
2. You must tagged 9-19 people
3. Do it within a week

All the ones I was asked I don't feel like re-typing it -_- cuz I'm too lazy and gotta do some homework. So bye!

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