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I bent over and breathed hard between my knees. The ground under me was swaying slightly, making me feel sicker than before.

David could hear my thoughts. How was that even possible?

"Lara, look at me," David said as he crouched down in front of me. I looked up at him and wanted to scream for answers.

"Why- How?" When I talked my breathing increased so I closed my eyes and tried to think about anything other than what was happening right now.

I tried to focus on the back of my eye lids, the darkness and how it didn't move at all. I tried to block every noise out and focus on David's deep breathing. His warm breath fanned over my face and it reminded me of laying under a tree at night in the middle of the summer.

I pictured myself laying in the softest, greenest grass looking up at the sky. The stars were so bright in the clear sky.

"Beautiful," I heard all around me. It was like the word rode on the breeze. I closed my eyes and let myself try and listen for more.

"Amazing." The voice was closer but nothing about it caused me alarm.

"Wake up, baby." I smiled to myself and wished that I had someone to call me baby in real life.

"Baby, I will call you anything you want as long as you actually wake up. Come back to me, Lara." The words were urgent but the wind was so warm and calming. I'd love to stay here forever and justt... be.

"Lara!" My eyes shot open and I sat up. Looking around me I realized I was back at David's house. He was sitting on the bed next to me, holding my hand. His face was covered with worry.

"What happened? How did I get here?" I tried to pull my hand back but David's grip on me tightened.

"You fainted and I brought you here." He opened his mouth like he was going to say more but closed it again. David took a deep breath and spoke again. "Do you remember anything about earlier?" The look in David's eyes was careful and it was clear that he was wanting to ask me something else.

"No, not that I can remember." I didn't want to lie but part of me wanted to say yes so the heartbreaking look on his face went away.

"Oh. That's okay. I'm sure in time..." David turned around as he trailed off. I sat up in bed and looked around the room again. It smelled of clean sheets, grass and man. It was a comforting smell. 

Suddenly I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in. My hands dug into the sheets and I really focused on the smells around me.

"Lara?" David spoke and my eyes shot open. One of his eyebrows was raised as he leaned forward into my space a bit. I searched his face, looking from his eyes to his lips and back. Lust spiked through me and I knew in this moment that I had to have David.

I moved quicker than I knew possible, throwing myself into his arms. My lips crashed against his and my arms wound around his neck, locking him against me.

"Mmm-" David started as I adjusted myself against him. It was more like grinding against him, trying to get closer. My skin was tingling, my heart was pounding. 

"No-" David said as he pushed me back and stepped away further. "We shouldn't do this. It's no right." My eyes widened and anger pulsed through my veins. 

"No? Really? You are so hot and cold. The second I let you in you do nothing but push me away." I moved back to David and I pushed against his chest. He stumbled back a few inches but David just looked down at me as I hit his hard chest again and again. 

"Are you done?" David asked as my fists started to hurt. 

"No, I've just started." I took a step back and before I knew it, I hauled off and slugged David in the face. This time he stumbled quite a bit and held his face in shock. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2014 ⏰

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