New School, New Friend

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Chapter 3

Today, is my first day of my new high school. I'm exited and kinda scared. I'm not easy to get scared,but last night was my WORST NIGHTMARE!!!! I don't even want to think about it.
    "Abby, are you ready for your first day of school?" My mom asks as a piece of toast went down my throat.
     "Yeah, of course I am." I reply.
     I grabbed my backpack from the corner of the mint green wall of my room. (The color of my backpack is pink to dark pink.) I went out the door with my mom, the cold breeze went through my long hair. My whole body feels like ice that have been in a freezer for a whole year! I guess I'll need to force myself to get use to it. The sun is still not out, cause it's only 6:00am!!! I rushed to the car, I put my backpack on the seat next to me. I closed my eyes, ready to sleep for five more mines. But, I can't. Cause just as I closed my eyes I can see the bloody face in front of me, and I can even smell the smell of the 

blood and the flesh. So I decided not to close my eyes again.

"Bye, sweetie, and have great day at your new school." My mom said as I opened the car door and walked out of the car.
"K, mom." I said as I closed the door.
I waved at mom from the outside of the car. I turned around and walked toward the class door. The school is massive. A bunch of teens like me are walking around, talking to each other, some are even kissing!!! GROSS!!! I ignored all the students and opened the huge glass door.
I walked in the hallway like a lost girl trying to find her mommy. Which is actually kinda true. My stomach is growling, I don't know if it's because that I didn't have much for breakfast or is it because that everyone is staring at me. Maybe there's a not on my back? No way, I don't remember anyone hugging me this morning. It's probably just because I'm a new kid. Right?
The school is so big, so it made it hard for me to find the office. I never reported to the office since I was small. I guess this is my first time, oh well, there are going to be a lot of first time in my life. (Like moving to a new house!)
About hundred years latter, I finally found a white sign that says: Office. I was like "FINALLY!!!" But I only said that in my head, I mean imagine if you or I said it out loud. It'll be so embracing! I calm myself down, my hand are on the door knob, ready to get in. Just as I'm about to open the door, someone else opened the door from the other side. I accidentally stepped on that person's foot, I went right in to that guy or girl.
Whoa! Are you okay. A guy said.
YES!!! I said kinda of yelled. Well mostly yelled, cause everybody is staring at me again! I can feel that I had everybody's attention. I don't know what to do now, there's no way that I'm going to look up. But I can't stay in this position either, so I decided to look up. My face is as red as an apple. The guy in front of me, well more like the guy who's holding me is totally cute!!!
Okay, just making sure that you're fine. The guy said. Well, my name is Kyle Viramontes , it's very nice to meet you.
Yea, it's very nice to meet you too. I said in a shy voice. That's when I realized that everyone is staring at me because of Kyle.
Can I know your name? Kyle ask.
Oh, right. My name is Abby Dean. I said. Then I ran past him to get in the office. I can feel my heart beating so fast. Not the kind when I saw the little girl, it's the kind when you likes someone.
  I walked to the front desk, the desk is in a grayish color, can't really tell if it's dark gray or light black. There's a name tag that says: Mrs.Ariel.
  How may I help you sweetie. An old lady in a flower dress ask me. I bet that's Mrs.Ariel.
Oh, hi there, I'm a new student, my name is Abby Dean. I need my locker number, text books, and my schedule.
Oh, yes sweet heart. I will give your schedule in just a moment. Mrs.Ariel says as she bend down and opened one of the drawer that says: Student. Mrs.Ariel give me a folder that have my name on it.
This is your schedule and your locker number. Your teachers will get your text books, and have a great first day of Savior High. Mrs.Ariel said.
Thank you. I said as I grabbed the folder.
I walked out of the door, I looked at my locker number. It's 139. About 5 mines latter I found my locker. It's covered in a dark blue paint. I opened the locker and put my backpack in the dark blue locker. I closed the locker door and trying to look for my first class, which is science.
I really want to ask some one for help. But it'll be so embracing. I mean what if they walked away from me or ignored me? Then I will look dumb. Ahhhhh! What should I do. I was so popular in my old school, and now I don't even know what to do. 
   After math class, (which is before lunch) I went to the cafeteria, the crowd made me feel dizzy everybody is pushing me around like they are kicking a soccer ball. But made out of real human​.
The food here tastes okay I guess, it doesn't taste that good but not that bad either. The fries are mushy  and gross. The fries is actually the only thing that I think is gross. As I'm eating my cheeseburger, A girl walked to me and sat next to me.
Hey there, my name is Sophia, what's your name? Sophia asked as she put down her plate.
I looked at her, amazed that she actually talked to me. name is A.....Abby. I asked still amazed.
Such a pretty name. Sophia said as she turned around and stab the straw into the apple juice. Sophia have brown, short hair. She's wearing a "Justice" shirt and short pant.
Thanks. I replied.
After lunch, Sophia showed me around a little. The rest the day was boring. All we did was reading, homework,reading, homework, reading...........

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2016 ⏰

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