Not Hiding Anymore

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"You guys... you're gonna spend way too much on me," I breathed.

"Just shut up and take it, alright?" Axl snapped back with a slight smile.

"I mean, you're basically letting us live at your house. We need to show our thanks," Izzy said.

"Plus, you're eighteen. You're a legal adult now," Steven smiled.

"That should be happy news for Duffy," Slash smirked.

"And why is that?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow at Slash.

"We all know why is that," he responded, raising an eyebrow back at me.

"I don't think age ever stopped them," Anna piped in.

"Stopped us from what?" I asked, trying to sound like I had no idea what they were talking about.

"How dumb do you think we are?" Axl chuckled, shaking his head, reaching for his wine glass.

"We may look like dumbass dirty rockstars, but, we're not," Slash chuckled as well.

"Well, I can definitely argue that you all are dirty rockstars," I teased, now also reaching for my wine glass.

"Well... maybe that we are," Slash shrugged.

We all then laughed, sipping our wine, and I noticed Izzy's head turn and his gaze lock on something.

I tried to follow his gaze and I then locked my eyes on some girl walking by.

She was short, her high heels making her visibly taller, and had medium length starwberry blonde hair. I could tell her eyes were ice blue from all the way here, and her jewlery was glistening in even the dim light. Her smile was wide and white and she looked rather friendly.

"Steven, I found a match for you," Izzy said.

"What?" Steven questioned.

"Cute little bubbly blonde heading to that booth over there," Izzy secretly pointed.

Steven looked over and instantly saw her. He smiled to himself and resumed staring at her as he drank his wine.

"She is a cutie," Steven agreed with a nod.

"Go make your move," Izzy urged, nudging him.

"What? No! I can't just follow her to her booth and hit on her. That'd be creepy," Steven shyly said.

"Well, how else are you gonna get her?" Izzy snapped.

"Go for it, Steven. It looks like she's having dinner with only one of her girl friends," Anna said.

"And they probably don't want to be bothered. I'd rather just sit and stare," Steven replied.

"Now that's what's creepy," Slash said.

"Well, I don't wanna bother her," Steven said quietly, playing with his wine glass.

"Come on, man. She's perfect for you," Izzy urged.

I glanced over at Duff again and he gave me another smile which made me smile back.

"EXCUSE ME, BUBBLY BLONDIE IN THAT BOOTH OVER THERE?!" I screamed loudly, causing a ton of people to stare at me.

Blondie looked over at me and pointed to herself in confusion, basically asking if I was talking to her.

"YES, YOU!" I yelled with a nod.

She shot her friend she was having dinner with a weird look, but eventually came over to our booth.

"Yes?" she asked uncomfortably, scanning all of us around the table.

"My friend Steven here thinks you're absolutely beautiful and he really wanted to go over and talk to you but didn't want to ruin your dinner with your girl friend. Are you okay with potientally getting to know Steven better and going out with him sometime?"

The girl looked over at Steven and gave him a big smile.

"Of course," she nodded.

Steven looked rather surprised but smiled back at her and nodded.

"Well, if you guys are going to the nightclub after your dinner me and my girl friend are gonna be there. We can maybe hang out there?" she suggested.

"Sounds perfect. Thank you-- what's your name?" I asked.

"Stacy. I'm Stacy," she told us all.

"See you soon, Stacy," I said to her.

She nodded and smiled, giving Steven a small wave as she walked back to her booth.

"Absolutely beautiful? Really? All I said was that she was cute," Steven said to me.

"Oh, shut it, Steven. I know you like her," I shot back, sipping my wine.

Duff and I then looked at each other and he shot me a smile once again.

"Look at you, you little matchmaker," Duff said to me.

I smiled back at him and he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me in roughly toward him.

"You're gonna mess up my hair!" I exclaimed while laughing.

He then loosened his grip on me and I leaned my head on his shoulder calmly, closing my eyes.

"You guys look beautiful together," Anna's voice said.

I opened my eyes and looked at her and she looked back at me.

"You do," she mouthed to me.

I couldn't help but to smile as I felt Duff's strong hands grasp my face, and turn me to face him.

He planted a wet kiss on my lips and I giggled and pulled away.

"Damn, you guys don't even wanna hide you're fucking anymore," Slash chuckled.

"As if it's not obvious that you and Anna are fucking too," Duff shot back.

"Alright, alright," Slash laughed, throwing his hands up in surrender.

Anna and I smiled at each other again and I leaned my head back on Duff, staring out the massive glass windows at all of the city lights.

"Are you ready to order?" our waitress asked us.

"Yes," Duff answered for all of us.

We all looked at him in confusion because none of us were ready, and he grinned widely.

"The Chef's Special please," he told the waitress.

The waitress smiled in return and nodded, jotting it quickly down in her notepad.

She walked away and we all stared at Duff.

"Trust me," he simply said.

"Get your man under control, Jen," Anna joked.

"Gotta keep my man on his leash," I joked as well as I looked up at Duff.

"Shut that pretty mouth of yours," he cheesily said back to me as I huffed loudly and playfully shoved him away.

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