Early Sunsets Over Monroeville

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It was Thanksgiving and while Gerard was still giving his parents the cold shoulder, he did wish them a happy Thanksgiving.

"Gerard, we're sorry for how we've been. Will you forgive us, sweetheart?" His mother said. He gave her a small sympathetic smile, pitying her almost.

"One day, mom. Tell the rest of the family I said hi, I guess. I'm going to be with Frank and from there he and I are visiting Mikey. I'll be in good hands; no need to call," he said as he slipped his feet into his shoes and left the house. His parents would be gone for the weekend, visiting his other family in Maine. Frank was set to stay with him and he was excited for it. He was enjoying life and he wasn't going to let anything stop him, not even himself. When he walked outside, he was met with chilly air caressing his face, and the half-naked trees decorated with those reds, oranges, and yellows. He liked this kind of weather, because Frank was prone to getting cold so he had more of an excuse to hold him. Over a month ago, Frank and Gerard had proudly confessed their love to each other and began dating. Upon arriving back at Frank's house after a few hours, Gerard quickly went into the home and up to Frank's room. Although it wasn't the way either of the two envisioned their confession for each other, they were just happy to finally say it. Frank spoiled Gerard rotten, even more so when the man got a job at the local record shop, half of his paycheck going to some type of gift for the other man. Ranging from books to comics, vinyl's to CDs, and VHS tapes to DVDs. He was happy that Frank always thought of him, but felt bad for all the money being spent. He'd be happy with Frank just playing him a song on the guitar as he started doing every couple of weeks or so. He lived for those day.

On his walk to Frank's, he thought back to his conversation with Ray, this also being the first Thanksgiving not spent with him or Bob. And remembered how he'd actually held the taller man as he sobbed his apologies over and over again. It was heart-wrenching.

"I forgive you, Ray," Gerard found himself saying. Guilt and anger should be left alone. Everyone had suffered enough since Mikey's passing and seeing how much it was tearing Ray apart, he decided it was time for forgiveness. "You loved him, too, right?" He asked.

"I still do. I don't think those feelings will ever go away," Ray answered, his voice nasally from crying. Gerard smiled and patted his shoulder.

"Then it's okay. Mikey knows how you feel now and while everything went as bad as they could go, forgive yourself, okay? Because in the end, no matter how much guilt or shame or anger or sadness that you hold won't bring him back. You have to understand that. Stop beating yourself up. You're forgiven by me, and I'm sure by Mikey as well. He wasn't the type to hold a grudge, you know that." After his speech, Ray cried all over again, this time in happiness, and thanked him.

He remembered how much easier it'd been than he normally thought it would. He was just planning on saying it to ease the other man, but he realized that he actually meant it. It made him smile. He's grown so much in the past eleven months, since Mikey's death, that he could hardly believe it. If you'd told him before that he'd lose his brother to suicide and then make peace and have a boyfriend within nine months of that, he'd probably have punched you in the face.

As he approached the Ieros' front door, he walked right in without knocking and the family greeted him. Linda was busy around the kitchen while John was holding onto Helena and watching Linda with a fond gaze. He'd hoped that he and Frank could be like that one day. Frank ran downstairs and threw his arms around his boyfriend, planting a big kiss on his lips, causing Gerard to blush. He'd never get used to that, and that was something he liked.

"Happy Thanksgiving, Gerard!" Frank exclaimed happily, smiling up so brightly at him. Gerard gave his forehead a kiss.

"Happy Thanksgiving, Frankie," he returned. "Hi, John, Linda, Little Helena," he greeted.

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