Glasses or No?

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I wear glasses. Does anyone else feel ugly when they take their glasses off? 

I do. I mean, I can't have my glasses off for long anyway because my eyesight is terrible but when I do take them off to clean them and catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I just feel... ugly. 

Sure I've had those days where I'd look myself in the eye and recite the, "I'M UGLY AND I'M PROUD!!" thing from SpongeBob as a joke or half-seriously, but other times I just feel ugly. 

If you wear glasses or have before, have you ever asked people if you look better with your glasses on or off? 

I have. In elementary/middle school a lot of people said I look better with my glasses on. 

So does that mean that I look bad with them off? Seriously people, tell me if that's what you mean because it drives me insane when people say that!

Main reason I don't wanna wear contacts. I don't think I'd like them and I feel like I'd be that one person to forget to take them off at night, but I also don't think I would look good because my glasses wouldn't be there to hide my face. also why I wear earrings. When the glasses don't seem like enough, earrings help me look better. 

At least, my best guy friend told me that in middle school. He's a grasshole for that, but honestly I feel like I do look better with glasses and earrings, which is highly depressing.

I even asked people this year and they said I look different without glasses or better with them on. 

The little fudgers.

To top all of that off, when I went to Nike Swim Camp this August (aye shoutout!!), I was cleaning my glasses on my shirt or something- whatever it was my glasses were off- and this girl from my swim team who was there as well said I look like a Tim Burton movie character. 

Have you seen Tim Burton's characters?!?!?!

Don't get me wrong, I love the guy but his character's LOOK WEIRD AF. Who wants to be told that?!?! 

Thanks a lot BLEEP, you just further put me into the land of insecurities. Thanks. No really, you deserve a standing ovation and the key to the white house.


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