Chapter 2:

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Scarlette POV:

"Calum!!!" I yelled, seeing my brother fighting with the other wolf member.

"Stay back Scar!" He yelled in the mind link.

I watch as the other wolf broke free from Calum's grasps and jumped back limping. Calum took one more big lunge at the werewolf taking a large bite out of his neck.

"Are you ok? Did the bastard hurt you?" He asked looking super worried for me, but I was the one that was worried.

" Me!?! Are you ok, you bleeding!'' I yelled grabbing his arm after he shifted

" I'm fine but we have to go now. Crescent can smell our blood if we stay out here for too long." he said while grabbing his arm out of my grasp and quickly running behind a tree putting on some clothes and coming back out. I listened to what he said and we quickly ran away through the woods.

"Lets rest right here." Calum said stopping at a park that was from our pack.

" Is mom and dad ok?" I asked already knowing the answer

"Please don't make me say..." he said looking down at his lap, with his fist clench.

I felt tears weld up in my eyes as I tried to be strong but knowing I would break any minute.

''Why would they do this?! We didn't do anything, we're a weak pack but that's because our old one was attack!" I yelled feeling the tears streaming down my cheeks. Calum watched my break down until he couldn't take my tears anymore and held onto me like his life depended on it.

"I'm gonna miss them." I said crying into his chest.

"Me too." he said quietly into my hair.


After the whole crying fest we both had, we continued moving far from our old camp site. Soon enough, we stop at a café and decided to get something to eat.

"Hi! Welcome to Carla's Café, I'm Hanna, how can I help you?" The blonde waitress said coming to our table.

" Can I get a small coffee and a slice of coffee cake" Calum asked

"Can I get the same," I asked, and the lady smile and nodded.

"Lets stay here a couple of days to get situated and then when we have everything right we'll leave." Calum said putting his head down on the table. I shrugged not caring about anything anymore.

"Hey, don't be sad. Everything is gonna be okay, I promise."

"Don't make promises you might not keep." I said playing with my hands.

"But trust me, I will keep my promise even if my life depended on it" he swore.

"You both new here in New Jersey?" The waitress asked when she came back.

"Yea but we're just passing through." I said with a smile

"Before you leave, you should check out the pier. Theres gonna be a party there in a couple of days." she said as she poured the coffee. I looked at Calum, hoping we could go.

"Fine.." he said pouring sugar into his coffee. I smiled happy that atleast this trip wont just be us running and we'll actually have fun.


Thanks for helping me through the hard times I've been through with my parents and I love you guys


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