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Bill and Will sat in your apartment, tensely waiting for your return. Bill was sitting at the kitchen table, his head in his hands, and Will was huddled on the couch, hiding in Sweater Town. They hadn't spoken to each other since you left.

They simultaneously stiffened, detecting powerful magic being used inside the town. They exchanged a worried glance, then they both vanished.

Bill and Will appeared on top of the cliff. Tad Strange stood alone, looking out over the waterfall.  The sunset made the water shimmer, but Strange was the only one watching.

"Where is she, Strange!" Bill snarled, throwing himself at the other demon. Will grabbed the back of his tuxedo, pulling him away just in time. A barrier of white flames sprang up around Strange, inches away from Bill.

"Let me go, idiot! He's got Y/N!" Bill snapped at Will.

Strange spread his hands wide. "I'm sure I don't know what you mean, Cipher. As you can see, I do not have miss Y/N."

"I said where is she?" Bill growled, eye burning red.

"She made a wish, and I simply granted it. She made a deal with me, and I quote, for 'everything to go back to how it used to be.'"

Bill cringed, knowing the harm that could be done with such a vaguely worded wish.

"W-what does that mean?" Will asked from behind Bill.

"I'm certain she's safely back at home with her family by now, none the worse for wear.  And come morning, everything in this town will be as if she'd never arrived here."

"As if she'd never arrived?!  But then-" Bill cut off, feeling Will stiffen behind him and remembering what had happened the very first night you had come to town.

"Mabel..." Will breathed.

"Oh yes," Strange agreed.  "If Y/N never arrived in town, she never would have killed off those marvelous magicians, would she?  You never would have become roommates... the Stans wouldn't have sworn vengeance... Most importantly, you never would have had the argument that led her to the top of this cliff, that would have led her to the bottom of this cliff if I hadn't intervened.  Quite a messy chain of events."

"You're lying," Bill snarled.  "She would never-"

"Not even if she felt betrayed by the two people she loves most?  If she felt there was no way of fixing things between you three?  Oh my, Bill, you should have heard the despair in her head.  She only wanted you to get along... But she willfully ignored the bloodshed she'd caused.  Y/N was quite a menace to our quiet town, don't you agree?" he was chuckling now, swinging his cane in a carefree manner.

Bill was beyond words, glaring at Strange as if his very gaze could annihilate him.  Will clutched the back of Bill's jacket, his head tucked into Bill's shoulder blade.

A thought occurred to Bill.  "What did you get in return?" he growled.

Strange chuckled.  "Only the Golden Ticket: an all-access pass to the inside of Y/N's mind.  You two will have to find yourselves another human to latch on to, because this one is mine now."  His smile became decidedly less friendly.  "But I think you'll both have your hands full with your old/new masters, don't you?"

With a final chuckle, Strange vanished.  Bill and Will were left standing alone in the freezing wind as the sky continued to darken.

Bill stood in shock for a moment, then finally snapped his fingers and teleported them both back to your apartment.  Will collapsed on the couch, shaking.  Tears streamed down his face.  Tomorrow they would both have to go back to work for the Gleefuls, acting like the past year had never happened.

"W-what do we do n-now, Bill?" Will whispered.

Bill slowly sank down next to Will.  "The only thing we can do," he muttered.


"We get Y/N back."

UnWilling Roommates (Bill x Reader x Will)Where stories live. Discover now