Chapter Twelve

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Harry's POV

I swallowed the ibuprofen in one gulp and went back to Lou's room. Tonight was exhausting. We had to sneak out, had a straw fight at dinner, got tattoos, snuck back in and lied to Liam all while trying to avoid getting caught by the paparazzi. If they ever got a picture of me and Lou together by ourselves they would most likely freak!

I crawled up next to Louis and he put his arm around me and pulled me close to his chest. "Tired?" he asked.

"Kinda...but also just worried," I confessed.

"About what, babe?" he asked while twirling his fingers through my messy curls.

"Pictures getting out..." I sighed because he probably thought I was just being melodramatic.

"I know, me too Haz. But it's the risk we took to be happy. Its one I was willing to take." He put his chin on my head and pulled me closer. I wrapped my arms around his back and laughed. "What?"

"I love hearing that you'd risk everything just to be with me." I blushed. "It's nice to know that I mean that much to you. If I would have known this was how I'd feel, I would've accepted the feeling MUCH earlier!" He chuckled and I could feel his chest vibrate.

"Me too Harry, me too..." he mumbled and we just stayed like that until we both just fell asleep.


I was shaken awake by someone who was being fairly violent with me since it was so early in the morning. "Excuse you!" I jumped up and said, the person falling back with a gasp. I let out a burst of laughter before leaning over the side of the bed to see Zayn on the floor. Wait...Zayn?

"Jesus Harry!" he exclaimed.

"Zayn, what are you doing in my apartment?" He stood up and dusted off his pants.

"We have an emergency meeting with management but they asked to only see Liam and Louis," he explained.

"Then why'd you wake me up?!" I huffed and curled back up in my blanket. He ripped it out from under me and threw it on the floor. "What?!"

"Now they want to see you, me and Niall stupid!" he threw his hands in the air.

"It's not nice to call Niall stupid, Zayn..." I was being sarcastic but he obviously didn't catch on real quick.

"I didn't-" he stopped himself and started over. "Just get dressed Harry," and walked out.

Well isn't he grumpy! I huffed and got out of Louis' bed, wait...Louis' bed! He just saw me in Louis' bed and that means that Liam saw me in Louis' bed this morning too! Oh, damn it! But Zayn didn't react...weird...

I pulled on some jeans, a white V-neck and some converse before running my fingers through my hair and going to meet Zayn and Niall in my kitchen. "I'm ready."

"Then let's go! Simon's pissed!" Niall said, earning himself an elbow to the ribs courtesy of Zayn.

"Shut up!" he said through clenched teeth.

"Okay...weird...let's just go then..." they nodded and we started heading to the management's building downtown.

Let's just hope we won't get in that much trouble.

Louis' POV

"What do you mean Simon?!" I asked incredulously. He could NOT be serious right now!

"I mean that since you and Harry know what I mean. And you let pictures get out about it- we have to do something and that's what they came up with." He just shrugged. SHRUGGED! Is he fucking kidding me?!

"No! I don't want her! I want Harry!" I demanded while Liam sat silently next to me. He hadn't said a word since we got here. Not ONE word.

"I'm sorry Louis. This was because of your own stupidity and nonchalance about this situation."

"So you're saying it's MY fault??"

"Yes Louis. Now, this is Eleanor Calder and she is going to be your girlfriend from now on. You will make public appearances and make this believable or management will have to step in once again and make it believable for you. Do you understand me?" He gave me a stern look as I looked over at Eleanor in the corner of the room, she smiled at me. HOW DARE SHE! She is freaking happy about this!

"Liam?" I just looked away from me. Of course he's mad at us too. We lied to him last night and he was foolish enough to believe us...I understand his anger but it would really help if he would say at least SOMETHING! 

"Do you understand me?" Simon asked me again, staring me directly in the eyes.

"Sure. Whatever."


I was still pouting by the time Harry, Zayn and Niall came up in the elevator. I was sitting outside the office waiting for them. "Louis! What happened?!" Harry came frantically up to me.

"Why don't you ask Liam over there?" I said snarkily. Harry looked confused but asked Liam anyway.

"Li, what happened?"

Liam looked up at him and gave him the dirtiest look I've ever seen him make before, especially at one of us. "First of all: don't call me 'Li'. Second: You are a liar. And third: Make sure you say hi to Louis' new girlfriend Eleanor when you get in there." He smirked as Harry came back to me with tears welling up in his eyes.

"Who's Eleanor?" he looked like a puppy that someone kicked.

"There were pictures released. Simon is making me go out with this girl to cover it up. I objected but he said that I had no say anymore in what happened to me. It was all management's idea." He broke down completely and just started crying. I grabbed him and pulled him into a hug. "I know Haz, I know. But she's only a public thing...not private..."

"I don't want us to have to be a secret, Louis. If we are..."

"Niall, Zayn, Harry- get in here, now," Simon called from the door, cutting Harry off. He peeled himself off of me and went into the room along with the other two boys...All I could do was wait now.


The door opened slowly after about 20 minutes and out walked Niall and Zayn but not Harry. "Where's Harry?" I asked them.

"He's arguing with Simon still," Niall stated.

"Come on Liam, let's go," Zayn said as the three of them left, leaving me all alone in the hall. I took my chance and went into Simon's office since they left the door open, only to find the worst thing I could think of. Harry on his knees, begging for Simon to forget the whole thing happened...

"Please Simon...please..." he squeaked out.

"No Harry. If Louis has to have a girlfriend then so do you." What! He has to have a girlfriend too?!

"But I hate Taylor Swift!" he complained.

"You don't have to be serious with her! Just enough to make it believable. Oh. And you have to miss Louis' birthday and stay with Taylor." At this Harry hit the floor along with myself.

This was the worst day of my entire life...and there was nothing I could do to fix any of it.

A/N- Sorry but it had to be done! Toodles! Smiles and kisses. Mars.


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