Chapter 1

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I put in my earbuds and hit play. I had my earbuds blasting so that I could shut off the world. I walked over to my window. I pulled on my curtain and looked out. I don't know why but I do every night. I'm always on edge and always watching at night I don't know why, I've just always have. I usually don't see anything but maybe a car or someone walking their dog. Wait, there's someone walking by with all black on and with lots of things hanging off of his belt and something shiny on his back. He turned his head up to me. I blinked and then he was gone. What? Am I seeing more stuff now? He was real. I know it i saw him. It must've been a trick of my imagination. But, I see things all the time like that. One second it's there, the next it isn't. Usually it's weird animal things that I don't even know how to describe. I go and lay down on my bed.

I unplugged the earbuds and turn it down so it can play quietly. That's a new one, a person. I must really be crazy. I don't dare tell anyone. I'll be put in a mental hospital for sure. They look so real though. Some of them I really hope aren't. I cringe at the thought. I decided to go to sleep. I turned off my music and I fell asleep.


I wake to the sound of my favourite song, which I set as my alarm. As soon as I woke the guy from last night flooded into my head. I couldn't quite make out his face, like there was a haze preventing me from seeing him. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I took a shower and when I came back I got dressed. It doesn't take long to get around. I live in an apartment, just about everyone did in New York. I looked out the window, there was no one out there. Why can't this guy get out of my head?

I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. "Morning, mom." I said and smiled. She was on the phone, like always. "Morning, but I'm busy." she smiled then continued talking. She was always busy. I grabbed an apple and went towards the door, "I'm going to school mom.". She just nodded, probably wasn't even listening. I shut the door behind me. I went to the stairs and walked down them. There by the front was my best friend, Jake. "Hey." I said and smiled at him. "Hey." He said back. "So, whats up?' I asked him as we started walking for school. "Oh, not much. The usually younger siblings make your mom mad and you get blamed." We laughed.

"How about you?" He asked me. Should I tell him I've been seeing things? Even though he's my best friend doesn't mean that he won't think I'm crazy. I always contemplate this when I see him. "Oh, just mom's busy like usually, barely has anytime to even say morning. Maybe if she just took a brea-" I was cut off by him. "Hey, it's okay. You've got me to talk to." He smiled at me, and I returned it.

But, it only make me think of what I've kept from him. Then on the other side of the street, I see the guy from last night. What? No way. But my attention went back to Jake. I smiled even though I hadn't been paying attention. I looked back, he was gone. Ugh, I am crazy. "That's cool." I said smiling to my best friend. "You think that having to go on vacation over your birthday is cool? I don't want to miss it. You weren't listening again were you? I told you whatever's bothering you, you can tell me." He was right I wasn't. "I'm sorry I wasn't listening. It's nothing I'm fine. And it's fine, have fun." I had forgot my birthday next month. I felt bad for tuning out, but I want to know who that guy is.


When school was over I went outside, I saw Jake. "Ready to go home?" I asked him. "I'm sorry but I can't. I waited to tell you that Sam wants to have a guys night out." Ugh that means I'll have to walk home alone. "It's fine, but isn't it like right after school right now?" I asked, it wasn't even near night yet. "He wants to get started early." He explained. "Oh." Was all I could think of. "Look I'm sorry, I'd rather walk with you." Jake tried apologizing. "No, no. It's fine. I'll probably walk with someone else." I tried to reassure him. "Is it a problem because I could meet them late?" He was worried about me still. "No, I'm fine I promise." I smiled. "Well better go before mom starts freaking out." I said and waved as I walked away.

I was about halfway home when I saw this weird THING, is all I could describe it. I didn't look at it too long because it disgusted me, and I didn't want it finding me if it was real. It was most likely me going even crazier. I walked faster to try to rush past it. I was almost home when I saw the boy, I was about a block away from my home. He was walking on the other side of the street, but the shiny thing on his back, had weird goop on it now. He turned his head, we made eye contact. I blushed and hurried inside.

I could make out some of his features, he had dark brown hair and had it styled up. He had a handsome face it would seem. I couldn't see much because it blurred up again. I didn't wait to stick along to see him disappear in front of my eyes. I went up the stairs to my level. I went to my door and unlocked it. "Hey, mom you home?" I asked as I stepped in. In return I got silence, yep she's still at work. I should've known. Now what am I supposed to do? Jake was out with his friends and he was my ONLY friend. I know sad right. My dad had died a while ago. From some like war, my mom didn't go much into detail. I was only like 4 when he died, I don't remember anything about him. So I'm home alone.

I went to my room and played some chords on my keyboard. I was already bored. I went and laid down on my bed, wow, I didn't realize how tired I was. I fell asleep instantly.


When I awoke I saw papers strewn around my room. What the hell? I picked one up, there were music notes on them. I picked up some more, they had the same notes on them. What? Where did these come from? I went to my keyboard, I started playing them. They sounded so familiar. Where could I have heard these before. There were like 50 of these around my room. I checked my phone; 7:00. I was asleep for a while. I left my bedroom. "Mom?" I called. No answer. She was working late again.

I grabbed my coat and bag. I didn't even realize I stuck the papers that were in my hand in my bag.


A/N: So what do you guys think so far? I know not much has happened, but it's pretty long. More than 1300 words. I try to strive for 1500 or more. I'm looking forward to this story, I hope you guys are too. Well comment what you think. Thanks for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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