chapter 2

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The woman in Sterling 's bed was not, by a far stretch of the imagination, Mora the snake charmer.

Her eyes were huge and as green as a spring field.

Her hair, a silky mass of auburn curls, hung in wild disarray around her pale oval face.

The cut of her gown, even be it a simple frock, the delicate kid slippers he saw peeking beneath her hem, told him the tale easily enough.

"Have had a change of heart, have you?"

She swallowed loudly.

"W-What?" she whispered.

He shook his head.

He'd had this happen before, on several occasions, in fact.

Sterling had a rule about women in his bed.

Only the common, like himself, and never one he could come to care for.

Young women such as the one sitting upon his cot were dangerous to a man cursed.

And he was dangerous to her, as well.

"You're not the first proper miss who's longed for a night of adventure in my wagon," he said. "I'll tell you what I told the others: I'm a performer, not a man who can be bought for a night's pleasure. Find your amusement elsewhere."

Her big eyes blinked up at him, then lowered before they widened.

Sterling realized that he stood before her naked.

Well, hell, like the other women, she probably wanted to know about the tights.

Now she could plainly see that he didn't stuff them to enhance his manly assets.

"Oh my God," he heard her choke, which pleased him to a degree. "I'm afraid you don't understand. I did not sneak aboard your wagon; that is, I did sneak aboard your wagon, but not for the reason you have arrogantly assumed."

Since the young woman appeared as if she might swoon,Sterling snatched the pelt off his cot and

wrapped it around his waist.

"I hope that your coachman has followed discreetly behind, as has been the case for others like you in the past. Then when I throw you out into the night, you won't find yourself in

an even more dangerous circumstance."

"Throw me out?" Her head snapped back up. "You cannot throw me out. I have no protection."

"Bravery and stupidity walk a fine line together,"Sterling calmly pointed out, although he felt far from


The young woman affected him more than he cared to admit.

It had been years since he had tasted innocence, and she reeked of it.

Her lips, full and puffy from his kisses, drew his gaze and held it.

Her mouth moved, but he had trouble hearing her words.

"Speak up," he demanded. "I cannot understand your hysterical babbling."

Her chin rose.

He knew the haughty expression well.

The wealthy learned it at an early age.

He lifted a brow in similar fashion.

"I am not hysterical," the woman said more forcefully. "I am shocked and sickened that you would steal into my bed and take vulgar liberties with me."

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