Chapter One: The Unwelcoming

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     Nyx and her force ventured onto the mystical forest for nearly three days on a dead trail. Her men and women grew tiresome requesting to come to a stopping point for a full days rest. Naturally her response was a no. She persisted they keep moving on till they come to a clearing in the forest or find an exit from the forest but even she knew that as they pressed forward. It grew thicker.
    The sun began to set and rain clouds gathered above. Soon it started to rain lightly. The people and herself felt the rain soak through their clothes but something was off about the water. It made her feel dizzy. Including her people. Quickly she order her people to pull up covers for their wagons and establish covers for the horses. All scattered to work quickly like ants on a damaged ant hill. Some fainted onto the mud and the ground began to slowly engulf them. Nyx attempted to use magic to cast a barrier to act as an umbrella over her people. "Help me!" She shouted to the settlers, holding up her hands trying to maintain the barrier. Some tried to assist but the water acted like acid on the magical barrier. Consuming the Magika.
    Nyx panicked a little and attempted to run and try to pull one of the fainted guards from the mud but the ground was to strong for her. She came up with an idea blast part of the ground away to loose its grip on the guard. Focusing Magika into the palm of her hand shoved it into the ground next to the guards body. It exploded with purple smoke and lightning effects scattering in all directions. She pulled the guard up with one arm around her shoulder. Throwing the guard onto her wagon, looking back at the hole... it was no longer a hole. The ground itself healed.
    Seeing double images. Nyx jumped into the wagon. She felt herself excaping reality. Everything became dark. The hard wood of the wagon suddenly became comfortable.

    Nyx woke up. Taking in a deep breath looking around. She attempted to get to her feet but realized she was no longer in her wagon and that there was a chain around her hands and colar around her neck. "Damn it." She whispered to herself. Closing her eyes, Nyx focused her Magika again but instead of the palm her hand, all over her body.
    The chains dropped and she freed herself from the colar. Getting to her feet Nyx got a better view of where she was. A prison it appeared to be but her room was large. Large enough to fit about a dozen people.
    Foot steps sounded from the distance. Nyx attempted to focus her Magika again but doing the same technique was too exhausting so she decided to simply confront the approaching stranger.
    The man... elf... thing was wearing a suit and in one hand held a glass that wielded a strong disgusting odor. She tried to demand an answer but couldn't get past the smell that came from the cup so she clenched her nose. Hard.
    "Whats a matter Nyx? Lose your nose?" The man chuckled and took a sip from the glass.
    "How do you know my name?" Nyx said sounding a tad humorous to the man for holding her nose.
    "Where are my manners." He downed the whole drink. With a snap of his other hand the cup disappeared. The man motioned with his fingered at the jails door and it opened effortlessly. "My name is... " He paused giving it some thought. "Well actually I go by many names but you see who I am doesn't exactly matter to you right now but it will soon." He grinned.
    Nyx lifted her hand from her nose, "Oh yeah? Well you still have yet to answer my question. How do you know my... " The man cut her off "Name? I know everyyything." He stepped closer to Nyx. He towered over her. The man must of been a decedent from giants Nyx thought.
    "Would you at least tell me where my people are?" Nyx asked as nicely as possible.
    "Your people? Do you mean those failures of yours who couldn't get away from a simple rain paralysis spell?" He laughed and placed his arm around her shoulder.
    Nyx pushed off his arm and shouted "That was you? The rain?" He continued to smile "Why yes it was." "And the ground?" Nyx added."
    The man took away his smile "Well that part no." Nyx would of felt better if he would have said it was. "Then where... "
    "Dead." Nyx heart sank. "Listen Nyx. You need assistance and I can clearly see that you need my help."
    "I don't 'need' anything from you. You tell me where my people are. Now!" She raised hands beside her waists gathering heavy amounts of Magika in the palm of them.
    "And if I don't." He said in a mocking manner.
    "Then I'll kill you and find them myself!" She lunged her hands forward. Projecting full force of her Magika in the mans direction. Explosion and of purple smoke and lightning went in all directions. As it cleared revealing a large hole where the man used to be. "She stood up straight panting.
    "Boo." Nyx jumped turning around to see the man perfectly fine and unharmed. "You see Nyx. I will tell you the name I was given when all things were created. I am the reason for your jealously with your sister. I am the reason for no order. Though I am not the reason for death because that just isn't my cup of tea. I can not be killed by your petty magic. Nor can it even harm me. My name is Khaos and that is with a capital K. I cause chaos and that is with a capital C." Khaos laughed at his own joke. "I can make you stronger, lady Nyx. I can give you the kind of strength and power that every ruler needs. Things have been boring recently and I would love to see some... if I will. CHAOS!" He laughed evilly. "Hey I am not evil." Khaos spoke to the air. "No I am speaking to you 'Narrator'. Get it right. I laughed chaotically." ... uh right. He laughed chaotically.

    Nyx looked at Khaos with great confusion thinking he had been more crazy than she had thought

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    Nyx looked at Khaos with great confusion thinking he had been more crazy than she had thought. Either way Nyx was curious and asked "What sort of deal are we speaking of here?" Khaos put his hands together "Oh I don't know... how about I give you seemingly endless strength and power and in return you entertain me with your choices." Nyx knew there was some catch. More foot steps sounded down the hallway of the jail. "You might want to hurry with your choice. I don't think you have much time because they are on their way to kill you for your crimes of trespassing on their land." Khaos held out his hand for a hand shake. "Do we have a deal?"
    "I don't think I have much of a choice either way." Nyx responded and shook his hand. She felt Magika surging through her veins. Her eyes glowed a deep violet. Rocks and gravel began to levitate around her including herself. Khaos smiled wide. "Looks like things are about to get interesting" He claimed.
    The men who were on their way to kill her saw the hole in the wall and the jail cells door open. Nyx looked directly at them. The men readied their bows and held up their spears. The archers shot a single volly of arrows at her. Nyx brushed away the arrows and caught one in her hand. The men dropped their weapons in fear and attempted run. Nyx caught them all using her new powers. Struggling to free themselves. She broke their necks. All but one she kept alive.
    Levitating the man closer closer revealing that he was a high elf. She commanded "Go tell the rest of your people that you have a new ruler." The man nodded nervously. She let go of her grasp around the elf. He fell and sprinted off doing exactly what she told him to do out of fear of his own life.
    She looked down at her hands. Clinching them into fists. "So this is what it feels like to have power!"

    A deep voice spoke behind Khaos "So. Your plan is succeeding I see." Khaos answered back looking down from the mountain they were on. Peering down into the forest where the high elf civilization was located. "In deed it is. Finally I wont be so bored. This will be interesting to watch this fire grow wouldn't it Sorren."
    "I thought death wasn't your cup of tea Khaos?" Khaos looked behind him "It isn't but it sure is yours." Khaos laughed evi... chaotically.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2016 ⏰

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