James Griffiths (Vis)

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Name: James Griffiths (Call him Vis never James Griffiths)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: "He's got better things to do" -Vis (Ace)
Small Description: His eyes are pale blue, and he is blind. His hair is a strawberry blonde that he cuts himself. (Very well) He is about 6'2,

Personality: He is easily tempered, but very sarcastic. He has incredible intelligence, "highly developed sense of irony"his ironic jokes pertain to his lack of sight., Vis adores explosives, fire, and anything that blows up. He also likes to cook.,

(Fan_PercyJ_DrWho SociallyAwkwrdindigo MusicalAngelBlue Flash_Superman )

I'll find a pic later

Headcannon: one time when he got drunk (seriously don't give the blind man alcohol) he walked in heels and was swooning and flirty with everyone and also set the kitchen in fire trying to make bread

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