chapter / eight

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Florence left the pub after helping to clean everything to be ready for opening in the morning. Harry had offered her the following night off due to the incident, but she reckoned she'd end up going in regardless, as it was the only active thing she did since she moved to Small Heath.

She walked back to the bed & breakfast, only to spy the one and only Thomas Shelby, who was leaning against the wall of the house with a cigarette in his hand. He watched her walk straight past him and into the building, but she left the door open, expecting him to waltz in behind her.

"Well come on in, then." She laughed dryly, popping her head outside to look at him.

Thomas followed Florence up to her room and she unlocked the door, letting them both in. He could remember last nights events quite clearly and his cheeks dared to turn pink at the thoughts. Luckily for him, Florence didn't face him as she started to clean all of the clothes she'd had covering the floor, placing them in a messy pile into the laundry basket she'd purchased a few days before.

"Are you here to humiliate me again, Thomas?" She finally asked, now standing in front of him.

He went to reply, but she cut him off.

"You come over, completely drunk, then act all loving as soon as I let you through that damn door, only to rush out in the morning without a single word," She said, her tone becoming quieter with every word, "and then you bring that pig into the Garrison, how could you do that to me? How did you know he was looking for me?"

Thomas looked at her confused from her last question; "He ain't lookin' for ya', Florence. He's 'ere on business. Henry works for tha' Peaky Blinders in London. Why would he be lookin' for yer'?"

"That pathetic excuse for a man is the reason I ran away from London! I thought you were trying to get rid of me - I thought you had tipped him off to get me to leave, I couldn't believe it!" She cried out, latching onto him by slipping her arms around his torso.

"I would never do that to you," He stated, placing his arms around her in an attempt to comfort the crying woman, "but please, tell me all that ya' know 'bout him. I need to know."

Florence leaned away from him quickly to wipe away her tears with the backs of her hands before explaining that she his name was Lawrence Taylor and that he was set to be wed to her by her parents, only to find that she had vanished after leaving a short note on how she didn't want to be controlled by her family as she was no longer a child. Thomas led her over to the bed so they could both sit down as she spoke, his eyes never leaving hers as he listened intently.

She continued to speak about the man she knew, her voice growing bitter as she explained about the times he'd groped her at church, or the way he would tell her about the things he wanted to do to her body. Yet whilst he continued to tell her these things, he would act innocent around her parents, fooling them to think that he was not only the perfect vicar, but the perfect husband for their daughter.

Thomas had clenched his teeth as she spoke about the way she had been handled, and he was angry that her parents were so blind. He soothed her by drawing circles on her palm as he held her hand in his.

"So that's how I know him," She sighed heavily, "although I wish I didn't."

"That bastard." Thomas growled.

"That, he is, but I really want to know why he's here and how you've got yourself involved with him," Florence questioned. "I'm pretty sure with what rumours I've heard this past week, that the Peaky Blinders certainly don't have God on their minds."

"He's tha' biggest Opium trader in London, we supply 'im, and he gives us half of his profit," He said to her, with a tint of nervousness in his tone, "I didn't know he was using the role as a vicar as a cover up, but I do know that 'is real name definitely is Henry. He's 'ere on business, but I'm startin' to think that he was just lookin' for you all along."

"But how did he know I was here? I left no evidence, no trace of me moving to Birmingham. He can't just expect me to be here, I told nobody but my best friend and she hates him just as much as I do." She replied, hugging herself out of sadness.

Thomas watched her drape her own arm over her body, only to pull her over to him and wrap his arms around her instead. Florence laid her head on his shoulder. He didn't know how to respond, not knowing how he could have known she was in Small Heath either.

"I left quickly this mornin' as I was supposed to drive to pick 'im up, but I do admit that I'd 'ave much rather stayed in bed with you in my arms all day." He whispered into her hair, closing his eyes in embarrassment.

Florence was silent as he spoke, her heart thumping inside her chest, making her feel as though it was going to burst out of her body. She took her head off of his shoulder to look up at him. Seeing that he had his eyes shut, she took the opportunity to press her lips against his. Her whole body felt like it was on fire as soon as she felt his soft lips on her own, her own eyes closing at the feeling.

Thomas cupped her face with his hands, deepening the kiss, before pulling away and opening his eyes with a smile on his face. He gave her another kiss, this one short and sweet.

His smile soon faded and his eyes darkened as he said, "Now what're we goin' to do with ol' Henry then?"

// -- //

so hi again i legit had major writers block for ages last night and had to come up with this shitty chapter, sorry !! i have literally got my next, like, 5 chapters planned now and there's big stuff coming - i also have a big question!! does anybody like smut? bc i can't decide whether to bring it into this story, or not. please comment your ideas!!! thank you my lovelies Xx

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